Cement Silo

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A concrete, cinderblock, brick and rock building in the middle of nowhere. Google Earth examination reveals a road leading up to it from one of the posh areas of Attica, so maybe it was built to help building the area's huge mansions. There's maybe a few square feet of the road surface left, and water erosion and pines have taken the rest. From the ground, you can hardly see the road. And I almost broke my 17 year old Seat trying to get it up there, so ye be warned.
The site itself is of unknown age, and has been stripped of everything that wasn't nailed down (and of most things that were). There are various gaps where people have knocked down cinderblock walls, and other gaps on floors and ceilings where people have scavenged pulleys, rubber conveyors and machinery. The building is surprisingly steady for all the holes, but care is advised or you could drop down a 25 foot silo with no way out.
There's a little office building next to it. It has three tiny rooms (a toilet and two tiny rooms). The second tiny room is an annex to a much older building. The original door and windows were bricked shut, but you can still see them from the inside. You can't help but wonder if this was someone's home originally, because it looks like it.
It's an interesting find in some ways, but a little bit too bare and simple for my tastes.
The site itself is of unknown age, and has been stripped of everything that wasn't nailed down (and of most things that were). There are various gaps where people have knocked down cinderblock walls, and other gaps on floors and ceilings where people have scavenged pulleys, rubber conveyors and machinery. The building is surprisingly steady for all the holes, but care is advised or you could drop down a 25 foot silo with no way out.
There's a little office building next to it. It has three tiny rooms (a toilet and two tiny rooms). The second tiny room is an annex to a much older building. The original door and windows were bricked shut, but you can still see them from the inside. You can't help but wonder if this was someone's home originally, because it looks like it.
It's an interesting find in some ways, but a little bit too bare and simple for my tastes.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- unsafe flooring

Security Measures

Required Equipment

Physical Information

Interesting Features
Very nice views from the top.

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment
A dirt bike or off-road car, or hiking ability otherwise.

I have no information on this site at all. It was, presumably, built to accommodate building needs in the area, but why so high up on a mountain? There's maybe a few square feet left of the paved road that led to it, and the little office building attached to it looks really old. Too many unknowns, and no documentation on site.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
It doesn't look like much of a coveted area there, and I doubt you can even build there now. The ecology of the place is under enough threat as it is. And it's horrendously difficult to get demolition equipment there, so it'll probably stay until it collapses of its own accord.


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Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 2/26/2007 3:47 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Feb 26 07 at 15:47, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:19, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p2245295b.jpg
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:18, SoupMeister made this location available
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:16, SoupMeister changed the following: Future Plans
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:16, SoupMeister changed the following: City, Province / State (please use full name), Publically Viewable, History, Status, Accessibility, Hazards, Interesting Features, Recommendation, Recommended Equipment, Future Plans, Description
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:04, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:03, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude
- on Feb 26 07 at 10:03, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude, Longitude
- on Feb 26 07 at 9:59, SoupMeister changed the following: Notes for Mods, Type, City, Province / State (please use full name), Country, Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy, Prefer Satellite, History, Interesting Features, Media Coverage, Future Plans, Description, Web Links
- on Feb 26 07 at 9:54, SoupMeister updated gallery February 2007 Visit

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