Fair Park & Cotton Bowl
Database Info
created by peterbillionaire on 1/21/2007 3:54 PM
last modified by peterbillionaire on 1/21/2007 5:17 PM
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Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Active
    Security Measures
    • Guarded. Many fences. Dallas Police Dept. has an operation there. Many Dallas Parks Security cars
    Required Equipment
      Physical Information

      Dallas, Texas
      United States
      Interesting Features

      Historical Dates
      Built: 0
      Closed: 0
      Recommended Equipment
      Fair Park is a 277 acre (112 hectare) recreational and educational complex located in Dallas, Texas (USA). The complex is registered as a National Historic Landmark and is home to nine museums, six performance facilities, a lagoon, the Cotton Bowl and the largest ferris wheel in North America. Many of the buildings on the complex were constructed for the Texas Centennial Exposition in 1936 which drew over six million visitors. Most of the buildings built for the exposition still survive and Fair Park is recognized as a significant example of art deco architecture. (Wikipedia 1/20/07)

      Media Coverage

      Future Plans

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      Moderator Rating
      The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

      Category Rating
      Photography 6 / 10
      Coolness 3 / 10
      Content Quality 5 / 10
      This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Opheliaism on 4/1/2013 1:28 PM.
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