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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


The area is now a parking lot and green space known as Tiger Lane, which is used for tailgating purposes prior to University of Memphis football games at the nearby Liberty Bowl.

Basic Information
Type: Amusement Park
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: forget it
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: forget it


Security Measures
- fences
- part-time guard
- locked gates
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment

Physical Information
940 Early Maxwell Blvd
Memphis, Tennessee
United States
Owner: Memphis City government
940 Early Maxwell Blvd
Memphis, Tennessee
United States
Owner: Memphis City government

Interesting Features
Fuckin' Roller coasters

Historical Dates
Built: 1976
Closed: 2005
Closed: 2005

Recommended Equipment

The property was originally known as the Mid-South Fairgrounds. In the early 1920's, they purchased a refurbished carousel, which had previously been in use at Forest Park, in Chicago, until part of it was damaged by a fire. In 1923, the Zippin' Pippin roller coaster was built on the property.
The Zippin' Pippin was often said to be Elvis Presley's favorite ride. “His favorite joke was to ride the Zippin Pippin to the top and get the attendant to stop the cart at the top where he would get off and hide. When the cart returned and Elvis was not there, everyone not in on the joke would freak out, thinking Elvis had fallen out.” (Joe Esposito).
LibertyLand was officially opened in 1976, in conjunction with the United States' Bicentennial celebrations.
A sign at Libertyland proclaimed, “The King rented Libertyland August 8, 1977 from 1:15 am to 7 am to entertain a group of about 10 guests. Decked in a blue jumpsuit and black leather belt, huge belt buckle with turquoise studs and gold chains, the King rode the Zippin Pippin repeatedly during a two-hour period… Elvis’ Libertyland rental became his last public appearance. He died on August 16, 1977.”
The Zippin' Pippin was often said to be Elvis Presley's favorite ride. “His favorite joke was to ride the Zippin Pippin to the top and get the attendant to stop the cart at the top where he would get off and hide. When the cart returned and Elvis was not there, everyone not in on the joke would freak out, thinking Elvis had fallen out.” (Joe Esposito).
LibertyLand was officially opened in 1976, in conjunction with the United States' Bicentennial celebrations.
A sign at Libertyland proclaimed, “The King rented Libertyland August 8, 1977 from 1:15 am to 7 am to entertain a group of about 10 guests. Decked in a blue jumpsuit and black leather belt, huge belt buckle with turquoise studs and gold chains, the King rode the Zippin Pippin repeatedly during a two-hour period… Elvis’ Libertyland rental became his last public appearance. He died on August 16, 1977.”

Media Coverage

Future Plans




Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Steed on 2/10/2016 2:38 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Feb 10 16 at 2:38, Steed validated this location
- on Feb 8 16 at 23:18, Dark_Aaron changed the following: Status, Recommendation, Description
- on Apr 12 07 at 19:59, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Apr 12 07 at 14:56, Pravus changed the following: Latitude
- on Apr 12 07 at 14:55, Pravus changed the following: Latitude, Longitude
- on Feb 23 07 at 19:08, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Feb 23 07 at 8:25, natxtron updated gallery picture libertyland013.jpg
- on Feb 23 07 at 8:25, natxtron updated gallery picture libertyland005a.jpg
- on Feb 23 07 at 8:25, natxtron updated gallery picture libertyland004a.jpg
- on Feb 23 07 at 8:24, natxtron added some pictures to a gallery

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