Procor Limited

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Procor's Headquarters. Large facility, multiple buildings including offices... we only went in the one. On site security, in the day there's a load of activity around the area as some parts are fully active (obviously not the welding shop where we went).

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: worth the trip
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: worth the trip

- holes

Security Measures
- fences
- barbed wire
- 24 hour guard
- locked gates
- some doors lock behind you

Required Equipment
- flashlight

Physical Information

Interesting Features
Large factory, multiple cranes, ladders, walkways, holes, inspirational work signs and various other common industrial finds. Not much in the way of machines / leftovers though. Still has electricity.
Alarm goes off sporadicly, it managed to chase Axle off and I don't blame him. After a follow up trip we were at the Bronte GO Station leaving and heard the alarm blaring for maybe 5 seconds? No idea what it is or why it goes off but it should be ignored. IT'S VERY LOUD.
Alarm goes off sporadicly, it managed to chase Axle off and I don't blame him. After a follow up trip we were at the Bronte GO Station leaving and heard the alarm blaring for maybe 5 seconds? No idea what it is or why it goes off but it should be ignored. IT'S VERY LOUD.

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

Procor Ltd. recently celebrated 50 years of operation in Oakville. Procor is the only Canadian company that engineers, builds and leases its own tank and freight cars and that of it's parent company Union Tank Car.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
Likely to stay in operation for a while.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Opheliaism on 1/7/2012 4:20 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Jan 7 12 at 4:20, Opheliaism validated this location
- on Jan 6 12 at 22:16, oldtimer changed the following: Latitude, Longitude
- on Jan 6 12 at 22:10, oldtimer changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy
- on Oct 18 07 at 18:19, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Oct 18 07 at 12:35, Axle changed the following: Status
- on Sep 26 07 at 14:21, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Sep 24 07 at 3:16, Magnoodles reordered images in gallery MagnoShots - September 23, 2007; G2
- on Sep 24 07 at 3:13, Magnoodles added some pictures to a gallery
- on Sep 24 07 at 3:11, Magnoodles added some pictures to a gallery
- on Sep 24 07 at 3:09, Magnoodles created a new gallery

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