Unidentified Suburban Oddity I

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I was introduced to this little valley by M, a very good friend of mine, in more innocent times. I was barely 18 at the time (now I'm old), and the whole area was forest. Now all people see here is Room to Build (and Make Money). Sigh.
This used to be one of my favourite places to be back in the day. Most of the magic is gone now, but the buildings are just as mysterious.
There are several different structures here: what looks like a 17th or 18th century farmhouse, which was no more than ruins partially hidden under grass and trees; a two-level 20th century house-like structure built against one wall of an older, smaller structure (19th century?); a chapel, the only structure that's still active; and a mill from 1876 (type unknown pending a more involved expedition).
All structures but the mill are built on the southern side of the little valley, with a river running between the two. The mill obviously used the river back when more water flowed there.
Even in 1993 there was a lot of water in this place (the ground was essentially mud), but the fire changed a lot, and the river is now little more than a stream (I bet there's much more water there in the winter though!).
This used to be one of my favourite places to be back in the day. Most of the magic is gone now, but the buildings are just as mysterious.
There are several different structures here: what looks like a 17th or 18th century farmhouse, which was no more than ruins partially hidden under grass and trees; a two-level 20th century house-like structure built against one wall of an older, smaller structure (19th century?); a chapel, the only structure that's still active; and a mill from 1876 (type unknown pending a more involved expedition).
All structures but the mill are built on the southern side of the little valley, with a river running between the two. The mill obviously used the river back when more water flowed there.
Even in 1993 there was a lot of water in this place (the ground was essentially mud), but the fire changed a lot, and the river is now little more than a stream (I bet there's much more water there in the winter though!).

Basic Information
Type: Outdoors
Status: Abandoned, Active and Under Construction
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Abandoned, Active and Under Construction
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby


Security Measures

Required Equipment
- long pants / sleeves

Physical Information
Anthousa, Attica
Owner: Unknown, possibly and at least partially belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church.
Anthousa, Attica
Owner: Unknown, possibly and at least partially belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church.

Interesting Features

Historical Dates
Built: 1876
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

I have absolutely no clue on the origin of these buildings! I wish I did though. I wish there were records of some sort that I could research.
I believe at least some of them were a small convent. The mountain is too full of them! The chapel seems to indicate something like that.
I have no idea what the mill is. I only know it's a mill because it says so on the wall, along with two people's initials and the year of erection (no pun intended), 1876.
All I know is, the entire area burned down almost completely in 1994, and has yet to fully recover (and is unlikely to, because it's now being developed -- illegally). The mill ruins are almost entirely stone, and clearly survived. So did the 17th century (I'm guessing) stone ruins you can see to the left of the panoramic shot. The (already decrepit) two-level house next to the chapel burned down and its roof (still intact in 1994, but only barely) crashed through the first floor ceiling, and down to the ground floor. Bye bye house.
The chapel survived, but possibly because it was repaired by the monks who still visit all the chapels on the mountain and keep them up (the chapels also serve as traditional hiker/wanderer refuges and are usually unlocked).
It's weird how fire can destroy something as intangible as a place's elusive qualities that make you want to visit again and again.
I believe at least some of them were a small convent. The mountain is too full of them! The chapel seems to indicate something like that.
I have no idea what the mill is. I only know it's a mill because it says so on the wall, along with two people's initials and the year of erection (no pun intended), 1876.
All I know is, the entire area burned down almost completely in 1994, and has yet to fully recover (and is unlikely to, because it's now being developed -- illegally). The mill ruins are almost entirely stone, and clearly survived. So did the 17th century (I'm guessing) stone ruins you can see to the left of the panoramic shot. The (already decrepit) two-level house next to the chapel burned down and its roof (still intact in 1994, but only barely) crashed through the first floor ceiling, and down to the ground floor. Bye bye house.
The chapel survived, but possibly because it was repaired by the monks who still visit all the chapels on the mountain and keep them up (the chapels also serve as traditional hiker/wanderer refuges and are usually unlocked).
It's weird how fire can destroy something as intangible as a place's elusive qualities that make you want to visit again and again.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
A group of Romanian construction workers were erecting a traditional-looking building against the edge of the mill wall. Assumedly this will be sold to some rich bastard who'll destroy whatever's left of the the area's beauty. Not that I'm cynical or anything.


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Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 9/1/2006 11:13 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Sep 1 06 at 23:13, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jun 29 06 at 14:03, SoupMeister updated the main picture
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:59, SoupMeister made this location available
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:59, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184516u.jpg
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:58, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184510u.jpg
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:57, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184493u.jpg
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:56, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184510u.jpg
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:56, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184493u.jpg
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:56, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184488u.jpg
- on Jun 29 06 at 13:55, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p6184493u.jpg

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