The Turnpike House

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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


A really nice and really large home, brick veneer on conventional wood frame with carport and patio on a large formerly rural property.
Surrounded by junipers and lots of brush its pretty secluded, actually its almost hidden. This property used to be huge and extended all the way to the creek may have been part of a ranch some remnants of outbuildings were found.
Surrounded by junipers and lots of brush its pretty secluded, actually its almost hidden. This property used to be huge and extended all the way to the creek may have been part of a ranch some remnants of outbuildings were found.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: - select -
Recommendation: forget it
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: - select -
Recommendation: forget it

- asbestos
- rust
- unsafe flooring
- air quality
- poison ivy debris broken glass open well

Security Measures
- fences
- locked gates
- Based on real life experience, Garland PD patrols it or uses it to hide out while on duty

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- long pants / sleeves

Physical Information

Interesting Features
Roof joists and exposed eaves, wood paneling, lots of brickwork creepy silence and feeling of loneliness. This is/was a very isolated residence, not only could you do Satan worship back here you could stockpile Soviet warheads, train circus elephants, build an ice palace and nobody would know about it. Except maybe urban explorers..

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 2006
Closed: 2006

Recommended Equipment

Known locally as the "devil worshipper" house, I didnt find it to be all that Satanic when I visited, on 6/6/06. What I did find was a wonderful old house in the middle of nowhere in the middle of growing urban sprawl. It may have been sold or condemned for future development.
You can see part of the tollway from here but you cant see any part of the house from the tollway. It is within easy walking distance of the now demolished Bush House see location http://www.uer.ca/...ow.asp?locid=24087
This was a really nice house before the vandals and scavengers began destroying it. Typical late 40s early 50s ranch style architecture, double carport, big veranda out back and some very old shade trees. Im sure there are untold stories about it.
UPDATE: gone gone gone
You can see part of the tollway from here but you cant see any part of the house from the tollway. It is within easy walking distance of the now demolished Bush House see location http://www.uer.ca/...ow.asp?locid=24087
This was a really nice house before the vandals and scavengers began destroying it. Typical late 40s early 50s ranch style architecture, double carport, big veranda out back and some very old shade trees. Im sure there are untold stories about it.
UPDATE: gone gone gone

Media Coverage

Future Plans
The future is now, its gone back to nature.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
Category | Rating |
Photography | 7 / 10 |
Coolness | 8 / 10 |
Content Quality | 9 / 10 |


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Mike Dijital on 9/8/2015 7:30 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Sep 8 15 at 19:30, Mike Dijital validated this location
- on Sep 6 15 at 23:11, Explorer Zero changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, History
- on Sep 6 15 at 23:07, Explorer Zero changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, History, Year Closed
- on Sep 6 15 at 23:04, Explorer Zero deleted a story
- on Sep 6 15 at 23:03, Explorer Zero updated a story
- on Sep 6 15 at 23:02, Explorer Zero updated gallery picture Turnpike House satellite image
- on Sep 6 15 at 23:00, Explorer Zero added some pictures to a gallery
- on Sep 6 15 at 22:59, Explorer Zero created a new gallery
- on Sep 6 15 at 22:58, Explorer Zero updated gallery delete
- on Sep 6 15 at 22:57, Explorer Zero changed the following: Notes for Mods, Latitude, Longitude, History, Accessibility, Interesting Features, Security Measures, Description

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