Club Sona (Wilder Building)
Database Info
created by controleman on 5/31/2006 5:44 AM
last modified by Emperor Wang on 4/11/2019 5:28 PM
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This location has been labeled by its creator as Public, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.
The club itself has three rooms: a hiphop lounge, a bar area, and a main room. The hiphop lounge has a small dancefloor and many couches at the sidelines which are always packed with people. The washrooms are nearby, and there is a bank of sinks next to them for people to fill up their water bottles at. The bar upstairs is another room with a larger dancefloor

Many levels
Big rooms
Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Repurposed
Accessibility: Impossible !
Recommendation: drop everything - must see
  • rust
  • flooding
  • water
Security Measures
  • locked gates
  • welded doors
  • wooden boarding
  • Grid+padlock on the door
Required Equipment
  • flashlight
Physical Information
1435 de Bleury
Montreal, Quebec
Owner: Ademco real estate
Interesting Features
Nice view of downtown montreal
Not too much graffiti or vandalism
Very long exploration if you want to see everything
Historical Dates
Built: 1923
Closed: 2004
Recommended Equipment
A philosophy, a vibe, and a culture, born from the dreams and ideas of young ambitious friends: their new vision of partying was one of avant-garde and they transformed Montreal’s nightlife profile.

From then until now, the 514 team presented an invaluable combination of club promotion and special events. The friend’s dream became a reality and, in over 10 years of events, their ideas developed into a strong underground credibility and corporate skills.

This Montreal-based production company knows how to stimulate the masses: the experience, the professionalism, the flair and the signature mean extraordinary events, guaranteed success and unequalled satisfaction. The most beautiful mixed crowds can be found in any 514 event, enjoying the best of electronic music, from deep house to progressive techno, and hip-hop to electronica. The 514 team’s reputation comes from an amazing organizing and logistics authority, the events’ repeated success, the top quality sound, the diversity in guest djs and, most important of all, the inestimable value of the 514 experience…

Montreal, February 25th 2004

The Sona star fades out...

It is with great sadness that we announce the closing of Sona. After careful consideration and market analysis, the owners and directors, 514 Productions and Jet Management, have decided to put an end to the club's operation and this, as of now. The club is thus closed.

Please take note that this decision has in no way any affect on the 514 Productions activities and events.

We will all keep precious memories of Sona, a landmark that has swept thousands of clubgoers off their feet for almost 8 years. We would sincerely like to thank all our faithful clientele which has contributed to the Sona vibe and we wish all the best and much prosperity to all those who support and nourish Montreal's electronica scene.

Thank you...


Source: Club Sona
Information: Productions 514 · Ricardo Cordeiro
Information: Jet Management · Tron Huu


This building will soon undergo renovation as it will be saved and reopened as a Center for the Arts, part of the new Quartier des Spectacles / Îlot Balmoral
Media Coverage

Future Plans
The rooms used for the sona might be used for festivals during the summer
Photo Galleries

Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

Category Rating
Photography 10 / 10
Coolness 7 / 10
Content Quality 8 / 10
This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Emperor Wang on 4/11/2019 5:29 PM.
Latest Changes
  • on Apr 11 19 at 17:29, Emperor Wang validated this location
  • on Apr 11 19 at 17:29, Emperor Wang made this location public
  • on Apr 11 19 at 17:28, Emperor Wang changed the following: Street Address, Status
  • on Aug 12 08 at 6:47, Steed validated this location
  • on Aug 12 08 at 6:35, desertchick changed the following: Year Built
  • on Jan 30 08 at 1:37, Emperor Wang validated this location
  • on Jan 30 08 at 0:57, maZe changed the following: Display Name, History
  • on Nov 4 06 at 9:07, nostra-YOUPPI! validated this location
  • on Nov 4 06 at 7:07, Avatar-X changed the following: Display Name
  • on Jun 18 06 at 3:42, Emperor Wang validated this location
Forum Threads about this Location
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  Subject Started By Replies Views Last Post
You must log in for this feature to work. Real name of the building Blawkowski 11 1155 6/7/2006 4:25 PM by nel58
You must log in for this feature to work. Another great Pano! Charlie_Dunver 5 768 6/2/2006 7:32 PM by controleman
You must log in for this feature to work. watering holes nostra-YOUPPI! 9 3172 1/23/2008 7:01 PM by mewthree
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