Hotel Maze In The Hills

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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


A bunch of buildings leading further up the hill. Mazes upon mazes of stairs, buildings, and corridors are sprawled throughout and it is easy to get lost here. The floors are very unstable, and the air is thick with mold. A lot of stuff is left behind, and once you reach the top, if you do, the view is magnificant.

Basic Information
Type: Buildings
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: drop everything - must see
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: drop everything - must see

- rust
- unsafe flooring
- air quality

Security Measures
- fences
- barbed wire
- locked gates
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- breathing mask
- binoculars
- gloves
- head protection
- long pants / sleeves

Physical Information
Yamanashi, Yamanashi
Yamanashi, Yamanashi

Interesting Features

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

This used to be a very popular hotel back in the day. It consists of many buildings running up the side of a mountain overlooking the lake. Not only is this a hotel, but it also is a resturaunt, observation area for the lake, and a nice little hang out spot. From the tight corners, to the steep steps, this building seems as if it was built using the mountain as its foundation. The floors are very unstable, the buildings are falling apart, but once you reach the top, you will be blown away by the breathtaking view.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
My guess is the may tear down the hotel part and keep the upper part for use by visitors to the town. It is a very nice spot to look at the beautiful scenary that Tsuru Gun has to offer.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 8/21/2006 5:15 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Aug 21 06 at 5:15, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Aug 21 06 at 2:16, Kuroneko changed the following: City, Province / State (please use full name)
- on Aug 16 06 at 1:00, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jul 26 06 at 12:55, Kuroneko changed the following: Status
- on May 24 06 at 13:37, BOX updated gallery picture CIMG1335 (Large).JPG
- on May 24 06 at 13:37, BOX updated gallery picture CIMG1333 (Large).JPG
- on May 24 06 at 13:36, BOX updated gallery picture CIMG1331 (Large).JPG
- on May 24 06 at 13:36, BOX updated gallery picture CIMG1328 (Large).JPG
- on May 24 06 at 13:36, BOX updated gallery picture CIMG1327 (Large).JPG
- on May 24 06 at 13:36, BOX added some pictures to a gallery

Forum Threads about this Location
Subject | Started By | Replies | Views | Last Post | |
![]() |
Demolished | MutantMandias | 1 | 1295 | 5/13/2010 1:07 AM by please die! |

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