Dorea School

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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


The buildings are mostly empty. They've probably been used as chilling spots for local drunks and pseudo-nazis but the place isn't heavily trashed.
It is located in a very remote area, a few meters away from the border. Neighboors won't hesitate to call the landlord if they see people around.
Important : Beaucoup de jeunes viennent sur place pour faire du saccage et consommer de l'alcool.La SQ est très a son affaire et font des visites régulières.Voisins très vigilants ! Si vous êtes pris sur le site,même si vous êtes poli et sans mauvaise intentions,tout le monde aura un ticket de 271$.Ma recommendation : N'ALLEZ PAS LA.VAUT PAS LA PEINE.
It is located in a very remote area, a few meters away from the border. Neighboors won't hesitate to call the landlord if they see people around.
Important : Beaucoup de jeunes viennent sur place pour faire du saccage et consommer de l'alcool.La SQ est très a son affaire et font des visites régulières.Voisins très vigilants ! Si vous êtes pris sur le site,même si vous êtes poli et sans mauvaise intentions,tout le monde aura un ticket de 271$.Ma recommendation : N'ALLEZ PAS LA.VAUT PAS LA PEINE.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: not very exciting
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: not very exciting

- water

Security Measures
- welded doors
- wooden boarding
- spying neighboors

Required Equipment
- flashlight

Physical Information
Franklin, Quebec
Owner: Immeubles Dandurand; not the Social Services Minister anymore
Franklin, Quebec
Owner: Immeubles Dandurand; not the Social Services Minister anymore

Interesting Features
The site is composed of 5-6 buildings. There are plently of classrooms, a couple of wheelchairs and a pretty big gymnasium in the main one.

Historical Dates
Built: 1950
Closed: 1995
Closed: 1995

Recommended Equipment

Dorea was a school for handicaped and delinquant children, aiming for rehabilitation through arts, sports and horticulture. After the facilities closed in 1995, experts found out the presence of a natural water source under the land which eventually sparked a big controversy in the community.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
Nothing will change for the upcoming years. They have no plans tearing down the buildings.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
Category | Rating |
Photography | 9 / 10 |
Coolness | 0 / 10 |
Content Quality | 9 / 10 |


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 8/12/2023 2:41 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Aug 12 23 at 14:41, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Aug 12 23 at 14:40, Emperor Wang changed the following: History, Future Plans
- on Aug 12 23 at 0:07, JBUrbex changed the following: Status
- on May 27 16 at 19:47, Explorer Zero validated this location
- on May 27 16 at 15:07, frank193 changed the following: Media Coverage
- on May 27 16 at 9:48, Steed validated this location
- on May 23 16 at 3:12, vince changed the following: Description
- on May 23 16 at 3:09, vince changed the following: Description
- on Apr 13 15 at 0:42, Mike Dijital validated this location
- on Mar 31 15 at 23:34, ForgottenRails added some pictures to a gallery

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