JR Short Canadian Mills

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Low building with 3-storey tower, looks officey from the road. Once inside, the main floor at the rear is machine-oriented, a lot of repair areas, for taking care of the processing equipment we thought. To the front are the main reception area, offices and what appear to be labs of some sort.
Northwest corner is part of something that used to have machinery, holes in the ceiling and floor would have had pipes running through them. Second floor is more of the same, pipes across the ceiling and lots of holes where something ran between floors. A loading door of sorts is also on this floor, with some sort of machine remains.
Third floor is much like the second, though with less windows. Was an elevator here, large one, with loading doors on all 3 floors, plus basement. Also a large hole in both 3rd and 2dn floors, almost like another elevator, but could not be.
Basement is the absolute best part. First area is not that great, typical basement, concrete and musty, with some sort of press or roller type machine. But in the corner is a little passage that goes to the gold. In there, a largish concrete bunker type room, is some massive machine, with only the base visible. Beside it is the old furnace room, with an ancient furance, with curved brick arch, very cool. Lights are also on down here, which is odd, but helps to see.
Second floor of the basement gets you close to the big machine, you can see up the side of it, maybe 50 feet up. No idea from the outside what or where this is, cannot figure out how this fit into the scheme of the building. Step through a tiny one-man elevator to get around more of this machine, see the corn remains inside. Look up above the elevator and see how high it goes, all the way up, with 2 stops between the top and bottom.
Worth the trip for this area alone, the pictures simply cannot do it justice, it must be seen in person!
Northwest corner is part of something that used to have machinery, holes in the ceiling and floor would have had pipes running through them. Second floor is more of the same, pipes across the ceiling and lots of holes where something ran between floors. A loading door of sorts is also on this floor, with some sort of machine remains.
Third floor is much like the second, though with less windows. Was an elevator here, large one, with loading doors on all 3 floors, plus basement. Also a large hole in both 3rd and 2dn floors, almost like another elevator, but could not be.
Basement is the absolute best part. First area is not that great, typical basement, concrete and musty, with some sort of press or roller type machine. But in the corner is a little passage that goes to the gold. In there, a largish concrete bunker type room, is some massive machine, with only the base visible. Beside it is the old furnace room, with an ancient furance, with curved brick arch, very cool. Lights are also on down here, which is odd, but helps to see.
Second floor of the basement gets you close to the big machine, you can see up the side of it, maybe 50 feet up. No idea from the outside what or where this is, cannot figure out how this fit into the scheme of the building. Step through a tiny one-man elevator to get around more of this machine, see the corn remains inside. Look up above the elevator and see how high it goes, all the way up, with 2 stops between the top and bottom.
Worth the trip for this area alone, the pictures simply cannot do it justice, it must be seen in person!

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Recommendation: forget it - demo'ed
Status: Demolished
Recommendation: forget it - demo'ed


Security Measures
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- long pants / sleeves
- boots

Physical Information

Interesting Features
- Basement concrete machine room - the best part
- Interesting labs and offices, like they just left almost everything intact
- Two elevators, one small and one large
- Fan belt breeding ground
- Interesting stairways
- Two cool old furnaces
- Interesting labs and offices, like they just left almost everything intact
- Two elevators, one small and one large
- Fan belt breeding ground
- Interesting stairways
- Two cool old furnaces

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment


Media Coverage
Can't seem to find anything, would think it closing might be some sort of news...

Future Plans
Talked to the new owner and he didn't even seem to know what they were going to do with it. They are going to board it up tight, due to the local vandal kiddies, plus finding Fedge and I likely did not help.

Wed, Dec 7th, 2005

Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Steed on 12/10/2008 7:03 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Dec 10 08 at 7:03, Steed validated this location
- on Dec 9 08 at 22:44, Air changed the following: Web Links
- on Sep 22 08 at 2:40, Opheliaism validated this location
- on Sep 22 08 at 2:15, Air changed the following: Web Links
- on Mar 23 07 at 23:12, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Mar 23 07 at 0:53, whats left of the psych added some pictures to a gallery
- on Mar 23 07 at 0:52, whats left of the psych created a new gallery
- on Mar 4 07 at 13:17, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Mar 3 07 at 22:55, Air changed the following: Owner, Status, Accessibility
- on Dec 19 06 at 20:56, Emperor Wang validated this location

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