Apple Pie Drain
Database Info
created by Anavrin on 11/24/2005 4:01 AM
last modified by Anavrin on 12/18/2005 8:20 PM
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Small concrete pipe, roughly 80 cm in diameter. Pipe is created by joining segments that are roughly three meters long. About eighty meters in is a manhole, at which point you can admire the early signs of slime mould. Temperature of the pipe is warm, and airflow is subtle but exists. Humidity and moisture ensure that if you get clothes wet, they do not dry.
Basic Information
Type: Drain
Status: Active
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: forget it
  • flooding
  • spiders, discomfort, microorganisms
Security Measures
  • spiders
Required Equipment
  • flashlight
  • gloves
  • long pants / sleeves
Physical Information

Vancouver, British Columbia
Owner: University of British Columbia vs. Greater Vancouver Regional District (UBC owns the land, GVRD owns the drainage, and the two don't like eachother)
Interesting Features
If this drain was an internet girlfriend, she'd seem to be a cool person. You then try to meet her and get on all fours and slowly crawl through the nests of black spiders and sludge until you find out that she has an unpleasantly slimy manhole. She then steps on you with concrete boots and you can't escape this dreadful smothering except by dragging your knees on more sludgey concrete for many meters back away. Then you are glad to finally be free of the tyranny, but are constantly reminded by the clinging organic matter on your body for the whole way home.

On the bright side, you could see pawprints in the sludge at the bottom, namely of raccoons. And the concrete has some interesting texture to it.

No gray goombas have yet been found.
Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Recommended Equipment
Named Apple Pie Drain because once you're inside, you're asking yourself why you aren't home eating a hot apple pie instead.

Some of the older drains are around fifty years old, but isolated to the north end of campus. The newer ones are in the south, and this particular one looks less than ten years old. It's one of the three main drains in the campus area, with the other two emptying under the ocean.

The hilarious part of it all is that many groups hate UBC for not taking a proactive stance on its drains. The parks people and the neighbourhood are fed up with them letting runoff drain on sand-cliffs. Several mudslides have taken down both buildings and roads, but UBC ultimately has no legal duty to be a nice neighbour. Additionally, the unreasonable rate of construction is consuming the forest that usually drains these waters subterraneally, further increasing an unnatural erosion rate of sand cliffs.

Evidence of this can be seen at the eroded waterfall south of this drain.
Media Coverage

Future Plans
Possibly more discharge of water. Accumulation of sludge.
Photo Galleries
Web Links
URL is intentionally garbled. Correct in address bar.

fimp . lbs.ubc . ca/pdf/FIMP_1999.pdf
Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Mutt on 1/20/2006 4:59 AM.
Latest Changes
  • on Dec 18 05 at 20:20, Anavrin changed the following: Prefer Satellite
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:47, Anavrin changed the following: Interesting Features
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:44, Anavrin made this location available
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:44, Anavrin updated gallery Get It Over With
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:43, Anavrin changed the following: City
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:43, Anavrin updated gallery picture Manhole chamber
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:41, Anavrin updated gallery picture Entrance
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:40, Anavrin updated gallery picture Manhole
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:37, Anavrin updated gallery picture Exit
  • on Nov 24 05 at 4:37, Anavrin updated gallery picture Sludge
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