U-Verlagerung "Kauz" = Schee-Tunnel

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721 m long double ex-rail tunnel, of which half was used as a WWII jet fighter assembly plans.
12.13.2023 - The Schee Tunnel is now part of the cycle path network and connects the coal railway route of the “From-Ruhr-to-Ruhr” cycle path with the Wuppertal “Nordbahntrasse”. It has a paved path, lighting, and is open daily from 0930-1700.
12.13.2023 - The Schee Tunnel is now part of the cycle path network and connects the coal railway route of the “From-Ruhr-to-Ruhr” cycle path with the Wuppertal “Nordbahntrasse”. It has a paved path, lighting, and is open daily from 0930-1700.

Basic Information
Type: Tunnel
Status: Repurposed
Accessibility: Easy - walk, bike
Recommendation: worth the trip
Status: Repurposed
Accessibility: Easy - walk, bike
Recommendation: worth the trip

- unsafe flooring
- water

Security Measures
- can't say - you'll know the entrance point then

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- boots or waterproof shoes

Physical Information

Interesting Features
Tunnel, filled with fog makes for very special photo effects (and makes flash photography impossible).

Historical Dates
Built: 1884
Closed: 1979
Closed: 1979

Recommended Equipment

Rail-tunnel built in 1884. In 1904 a second tunnel was built a few metres East of the existing tunnel.
In WWII, in May 1944 they removed the tracks from the east tunnel, and after 3 months of construction slave labourers started the production of the Me 262 jet fighter.
In March 1945, production was transferred to an iron mine in Kahla, Thüringen.
I have hints that the last passenger trains passed the tunnel in 1979, the last freight train in 1984.
In WWII, in May 1944 they removed the tracks from the east tunnel, and after 3 months of construction slave labourers started the production of the Me 262 jet fighter.
In March 1945, production was transferred to an iron mine in Kahla, Thüringen.
I have hints that the last passenger trains passed the tunnel in 1979, the last freight train in 1984.

Media Coverage

Future Plans


Web Links
-----Links below this line were broken or dead on 12.13.2023-----
7grad.org. This gives a point of entry.
B and
C about the railway line.
RailTrash! by Victor Lansink
-----Links below this line were broken or dead on 12.13.2023-----
7grad.org. This gives a point of entry.
B and
C about the railway line.
RailTrash! by Victor Lansink


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 12/14/2023 1:10 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Dec 14 23 at 1:10, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Dec 14 23 at 1:09, Emperor Wang changed the following: History
- on Dec 14 23 at 1:07, Emperor Wang changed the following: History, Interesting Features, Security Measures, Required Equipment, Description
- on Dec 13 23 at 20:11, fr00tCake changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy, Status, Accessibility, Description, Web Links
- on Sep 20 07 at 0:53, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Sep 19 07 at 19:45, IIVQ changed the following: Web Links
- on Sep 19 07 at 19:43, IIVQ changed the following: Latitude, Longitude
- on Sep 19 07 at 19:39, IIVQ made this location public
- on Sep 30 06 at 3:41, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Sep 6 05 at 9:46, IIVQ updated gallery picture Painted

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