Donegani Shopping Mall

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Small , not to good looking ,shopping mall that included a bar,pub,cleaner,hairdresser marché aux puces and other services.Almost under Des Sources overpass.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Difficult
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Difficult
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- broken glass around windows,frequent practicing drivers in the parking lot

Security Measures
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment
- Flashlight with soft filters because of many huge unboarded windows

Physical Information

Interesting Features
The marché aux puces is still full of merchandise fun to go through,old sewing machineries on the second floor and lots of papers...and a lit basement.

Historical Dates
Built: 1958
Closed: 2005
Closed: 2005

Recommended Equipment
camera with tripod no flash on ground floor (too many windows )

Don't know much about the past of this shopping mall but there is a post from "service des incendies " forbidding the access to the building dated march 17th 2005.
There is a "for rent" sign wich I called . The man (claiming he's the owner) said it was being in major renovations (no signs of such thing..)and will be ready in september...so I should call back then.He didn't want to leave his name !!! In the city valuation grid,it's written:"Unité d'évaluation considéré comme étant un terrain vague desservi." Strange...
To be followed.........
Nostrayouppi! :
the building is presently for sale on CB Richard Ellis website, original asking price was 2750000$ including the former hydro quebec substation next door
There is a "for rent" sign wich I called . The man (claiming he's the owner) said it was being in major renovations (no signs of such thing..)and will be ready in september...so I should call back then.He didn't want to leave his name !!! In the city valuation grid,it's written:"Unité d'évaluation considéré comme étant un terrain vague desservi." Strange...
To be followed.........
Nostrayouppi! :
the building is presently for sale on CB Richard Ellis website, original asking price was 2750000$ including the former hydro quebec substation next door

Media Coverage

Future Plans
Suppose to reoppen early September 2005
That's it,renovations started and they are emptying the "marché aux puces"-passed by aug 28-
That's it,renovations started and they are emptying the "marché aux puces"-passed by aug 28-


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 12/20/2016 10:49 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Dec 20 16 at 10:49, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Dec 20 16 at 10:49, Emperor Wang changed the following: Status
- on Dec 20 16 at 10:47, Emperor Wang changed the following: Street Address
- on Dec 20 16 at 10:47, Emperor Wang changed the following: Display Name
- on May 23 14 at 3:30, Steed validated this location
- on Mar 8 14 at 1:06, Jezabel Urbex added some pictures to a gallery
- on Mar 8 14 at 1:00, Jezabel Urbex created a new gallery
- on Jan 12 07 at 22:55, nostra-YOUPPI! validated this location
- on Jan 12 07 at 3:40, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jan 12 07 at 3:39, Emperor Wang deleted picture 121017 from gallery Donegani marché aux puces with D-v-S august 13th

Forum Threads about this Location
Subject | Started By | Replies | Views | Last Post | |
![]() |
État des lieux | Sk00maKing | 0 | 955 | 9/16/2008 10:33 PM by Sk00maKing |

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