Semi-abandoned Textile Factory

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I first saw this site from the train, going to work. The entire area is riddled with knitting, weaving, etc factories. Most are brand new, hi-tech and under constant CCTV surveillance. This one looked abandoned.
It isn't, and thus my scouting visit failed to proceed further that just going around the buildings, trying to look inconspicuous, and shooting photos.
The area is used as a parking lot by the locals, and every side of the building was exposed to apartment blocks. I think any visit to this place will have to take place at night.
Part of the factory floor is still in use, though I'm unsure what it's used for. I heard voices inside, but there wasn't very much machinery noise.
There are welded doors, bricked up entrances, and collapsed wings. I recommend taking care.
It isn't, and thus my scouting visit failed to proceed further that just going around the buildings, trying to look inconspicuous, and shooting photos.
The area is used as a parking lot by the locals, and every side of the building was exposed to apartment blocks. I think any visit to this place will have to take place at night.
Part of the factory floor is still in use, though I'm unsure what it's used for. I heard voices inside, but there wasn't very much machinery noise.
There are welded doors, bricked up entrances, and collapsed wings. I recommend taking care.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Active
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Active
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- rust

Security Measures
- locked gates
- welded doors
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment
- gloves
- head protection

Physical Information

Interesting Features
An early 20th Century industrial building, complete with a tall brick smokestack.

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment

I have absolutely no clue. Even 'textile factory' is guesswork, based on the fact that the area has dozens of industrial complexes, and all seem to have something to do with textiles.

Media Coverage

Future Plans


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Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 12/7/2006 7:33 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Dec 7 06 at 19:33, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Dec 6 06 at 23:15, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude, Longitude
- on Dec 6 06 at 23:13, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy
- on Aug 28 05 at 9:42, SoupMeister changed the following: Prefer Satellite
- on Apr 22 05 at 0:28, SoupMeister updated a gallery picture
- on Apr 22 05 at 0:26, SoupMeister updated a gallery picture
- on Apr 22 05 at 0:26, SoupMeister updated a gallery picture
- on Apr 22 05 at 0:25, SoupMeister updated a gallery picture
- on Apr 22 05 at 0:22, SoupMeister made this location available
- on Apr 22 05 at 0:21, SoupMeister updated a gallery picture

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