House of Pink
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created by SoupMeister on 1/11/2005 9:27 PM
last modified by SoupMeister on 12/6/2006 11:50 PM
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A two-floor house, probably built in the late 40s as a vacation home -- it must have been very far away from civilisation at the time.

The ground floor has a large pink-walled garage with a metal gate, a small machine room, lots of storage space, and a laundry room. This level is independent, and is accessible through the garage door and a rural-looking wooden door round the back.

The first floor is accessible through the main door, all iron and frosted glass as was the fashion of the time. There's also a kitchen door round the back that leads to a balcony with a good view. The main door is connected to a veranda that also leads to a separate door (now removed and doubtlessly sold by scavengers) that takes you to the roof.

There's a small hall, a large bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and bathroom on the first floor. The floors are still in good shape, and quite typical of 40s-50s suburban architecture: mosaic-like and hardwood floors. There are good plaster decorations that have taken massive water damage. Some of them have crashed to the floor. Scavengers have removed fixtures, but not too much.

Someone used to live in the abandoned bedroom -- there's a very wet, very mouldy mattress on the floor right in front of the wooden balcony doors (the balcony is shared with the kitchen's and has concrete stairs going down).

The bathroom is shockingly PINK! That and the pink garage gave this place its name in my book. It's not just modestly pink, it's PINK, in upper case! The tiles are a retina-burning PINK, and there are emerald-green fixtures including a toilet (broken), a sink (stolen), a bidet (soiled) and bathtub (still there, but I wouldn't run a bath).

The PINK bathroom may have been a newish addition to this house, as there's also an outhouse round the back, away from the building itself (as all outhouses should be). Ironically, a barbecue bar with an oven etc has been built right next to the outhouse. Ew.

Other than all the PINK, this place must have belonged to someone well-off. It's big, spacious, and has all the signs of luxury (including a horrible, nouveau riche taste in bathroom tiles).

I'd have liked to live there in its hayday (provided I wore green glasses day and night).

Oh, and did I mention all the PINK?
Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Abandoned
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
    Security Measures
    • devastatingly indifferent cats
    Required Equipment
      Physical Information
      Dionysou Avenue
      Ekali, Attica
      Owner: Unknown
      Interesting Features
      A diesel burner so unusual, even the ubiquitous local scavengers left it behind. The pink garage. The (very) pink upstairs bathroom.
      Historical Dates
      Built: 0
      Closed: 0
      Recommended Equipment
      green shades to filter out all the PINK
      This area must have been very thickly wooded in the late 40s, with maybe a dusty forest road going through it. An ideal place to build a holiday home away from the daily hubbub of a post-war Athens being rebuilt in the ugliest way possible. Unfortunately, like most such places, I know nothing about its history, and none of the locals have been around long enough to remember.
      Media Coverage

      Future Plans
      Like almost every other similar abandoned home on this long mountain road, it'll be demolished and turned into luxury apartments. That much is certain. Only the timeframe is vague.

      However, potential developers may be turned away like vampires running from a church yard by the sheer retina-melting power of all the murderous PINK in this place. They'll ultimately have to hire a colour-blind wrecking ball operator.
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      Moderator Rating
      The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

      This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
      This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Emperor Wang on 12/7/2006 7:33 PM.
      Latest Changes
      • on Dec 7 06 at 19:33, Emperor Wang validated this location
      • on Dec 6 06 at 23:50, SoupMeister changed the following: City
      • on Jun 25 06 at 14:58, Emperor Wang validated this location
      • on Jun 15 06 at 14:43, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy
      • on Jun 15 06 at 14:41, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy
      • on Sep 2 05 at 22:58, SoupMeister updated gallery picture p1021773.jpeg
      • on Sep 2 05 at 22:55, SoupMeister changed the following: Description
      • on Apr 22 05 at 0:39, SoupMeister updated basic gallery info
      • on Apr 22 05 at 0:39, SoupMeister updated basic gallery info
      • on Apr 21 05 at 13:57, SoupMeister changed the main information
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