AMC Empire 4 (Main Street Theater)
Database Info
created by PAWolf on 10/25/2004 2:07 AM
last modified by Steed on 10/17/2010 5:11 PM
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A formerly abandoned movie theater in the heart of downtown.
Basic Information
Type: Theater
Status: Reopened, a movie theater once again!
Accessibility: Easy, buy a ticket.
Recommendation: Go see a movie there, especially one with lots of explosions --- its fun!
  • asbestos
  • rust
  • unsafe flooring
  • air quality
  • Soggy floors, soggy popcorn (in 2005)
Security Measures
    Required Equipment
      Physical Information
      14 St & Main
      Kansas City, Missouri
      United States
      Owner: AMC Entertainment and Cordish Co.
      Interesting Features
      This theater was abandoned from the mid-1980's until it recently reopened as the AMC Mainstreet Theater. AMC stripped out almost everything from the old theater, then rebuilt the inside. They saved parts of the old lobby, where there is a stylee restaurant and bar.
      Historical Dates
      Built: 1921
      Closed: 1985
      Recommended Equipment
      Reopened May 1, 2009 featuring 6 screens. 3 have traditional showings, and 3 are "suites." The suites are small theaters that cost $25, which includes a $15 food voucher and big stuffed seats that fully recline. They have a liquor license and you can drink the $15. Each seat has a call button for the waiter, and a little table. All 6 theaters have leather seats with bass rumblers.

      Warp speed! Vrooom rumble rumble rumble
      Media Coverage
      Article discussing most recent (as well as most likely) plans:


      Future Plans
      Several developers want to raze the Empire Theater. The Developer, Larry Bridges, has in the past expressed desire to completely demolish the Empire. In 2002, he sought city backing & funds to tear it down. In August 2003, Larry Bridges obtained a pre-demolition inspection permit from the city.

      The new H&R Block building is being erected "catty-corner" to the Empire Theater.

      The wrecking ball is getting closer every day.

      One proposal floating around is to save just PART of the fascade and demolish the rest of the building.

      Unfortunately, the building is not listed as a local landmark or on the National Register of Historic Places. Therefore, the Empire Theater does not have any legal protection from being demolished.

      Folks, this building will not be around much longer. A coalition of interested citizens needs to be formed immediately to find viable alternatives to its complete destruction.
      ____________________UPDATE (7/15/05)__________________

      "AMC Entertainment is joining the Cordish Co. in a blockbuster plan to return movies to the Empire Theater and energize the Midland Theatre complex with live music and housing.

      The $60 million joint venture is a deja vu moment of sorts for Kansas City-based AMC, whose late founder, Stan Durwood, tried in vain for more than 30 years to revitalize the downtown area now being redeveloped by Cordish, a Baltimore company.

      The redevelopment plan, scheduled to be formally announced at a press conference this morning at the Midland, calls for the historic Empire Theater at 14th and Main streets to be restored as a six-screen movie theater using state-of-the-art digital technology to be operated by AMC. A restaurant also will be located in the 84-year-old building.

      Both the Empire and Midland projects are expected to be completed along with the remainder of the Power & Light development in spring 2007."

      Photo Galleries

      Web Links
      Empire Theatre
      Kansas City, MO
      14th and Main Streets, Kansas City, MO

      Empire Theater Removal Debated

      Added 12-19-09:
      Current showtimes!
      posted by Claydoh77 on August 30, 2004 at 10:58am

      Wiki article:
      Moderator Rating
      The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

      Category Rating
      Photography 8 / 10
      Coolness 8 / 10
      Content Quality 8 / 10
      This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Emperor Wang on 10/18/2010 1:57 AM.
      Latest Changes
      • on Oct 18 10 at 1:57, Emperor Wang validated this location
      • on Oct 17 10 at 20:16, peterbillionaire updated gallery picture empire theater 156.jpg
      • on Oct 17 10 at 20:14, peterbillionaire updated gallery picture empire theater 146.jpg
      • on Oct 17 10 at 20:11, peterbillionaire updated gallery picture empire theater 113.jpg
      • on Oct 17 10 at 19:34, Opheliaism validated this location
      • on Oct 17 10 at 17:11, Steed changed the following: Notes for Mods, Publically Viewable
      • on Oct 17 10 at 16:25, peterbillionaire changed the following: Display Name
      • on Oct 17 10 at 16:18, peterbillionaire updated gallery picture empire theater 133.jpg
      • on Sep 10 10 at 10:48, Steed validated this location
      • on Sep 10 10 at 3:22, peterbillionaire changed the following: History
      Forum Threads about this Location
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      You must log in for this feature to work. AMC EMPIRE 4 MAIN [STREET THEATER] THWN2 1 1089 10/18/2005 12:57 PM by peterbillionaire
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