Old Boarding House On St-Antoine

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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


This is a typical late 19th century building, and part of a fairly unique set found just south of the downtown core.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate, climbing required.
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate, climbing required.
Recommendation: check it out if you're nearby

- asbestos
- rust
- unsafe flooring
- risk of falling during entry, broken glass, at least one occupant

Security Measures
- locked gates
- welded doors
- wooden boarding
- large amounts of traffic, nearby federal buildings.

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- rope
- gloves
- long pants / sleeves
- sturdy shoes!

Physical Information
116-something St Antoine, Corner of St Felix
Montreal, Quebec
Owner: unknown (for sale)
116-something St Antoine, Corner of St Felix
Montreal, Quebec
Owner: unknown (for sale)

Interesting Features
Aside from the interesting fire escape design, The building is largely vacant on the first three floors. The fourth floor currently has at least one occupant, so bypassing it by using the afforementioned fire escape is a pretty good idea. The roof has a particularly nice view of the nearby buildings downtown, but not much else.

Historical Dates
Built: 1900
Closed: 1999
Closed: 1999

Recommended Equipment
Camera, Binoculars, some way of dealing with occupnt.

The building has been abandoned for a reasonably long time.
It appears that it used to be a boarding house for CN and CP rail employees at one point. Currently, the building is used as a squat and is awaiting "renewal" or demolition.
It appears that it used to be a boarding house for CN and CP rail employees at one point. Currently, the building is used as a squat and is awaiting "renewal" or demolition.

Media Coverage

Future Plans


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 11/17/2022 12:21 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Nov 17 22 at 0:21, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Nov 17 22 at 0:21, Emperor Wang changed the following: History
- on Dec 16 16 at 4:59, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Dec 16 16 at 4:59, Emperor Wang changed the following: Display Name
- on Jan 28 16 at 1:10, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jan 28 16 at 1:09, Emperor Wang changed the following: Status
- on Mar 18 07 at 0:49, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Mar 17 07 at 23:16, LeiYa created a new gallery
- on Nov 5 06 at 19:56, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Nov 5 06 at 17:24, stripes swapped pictures 0 and 5

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