Old Port Henry High School

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Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: forget it- just a crater is left
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: forget it- just a crater is left

- asbestos
- flooding
- water
- air quality

Security Measures
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment

Physical Information

Interesting Features
What made this building so interesting was the classrooms were intact, blackboards, chalk. The gymnasium was beautiful, doubling as, as most schools of this vintage did, as a auditorium.

Historical Dates
Built: 1917
Closed: 2004
Closed: 2004

Recommended Equipment

Built in 1917, this building served Port Henry as its high school. The swan song for this building came in 1966 when it was decided that the three school districts in the Town Of Moriah (Mineville, Moriah, Port Henry) would be united as Moriah Central School, which was to be a new building on Broad Street. The last class graduated from this building was in 1967. After that, the building was used a community center and storage.
In the late 1970's and early 80's, the former school was also used as a recreational center for kids of Port Henry, but proved unsuccessful. It was bought in the mid-80's by a developer from New Jersey who envisioned a resort hotel. Problems with permits and lack of money hindered his project and the building began to fall apart. The owner also let the taxes go and the village was about to take over the property. It soon became and eyesore to the locals and a place for the local kids to play. Eventually, in 2003, the building was stricken by fire. A group of children ages 8 to 14 started a fire in one of the upper rooms. Firefighters from several departments all over Essex County fought the fire for almost two days. During the fire, the weakened roof gave in and that was it for the High School. This building was finally dropped in August of 2004. All that is left is a crater filled with bricks, leftovers of the bleachers and a walled-in playing field.
The New York crest and eagle were auctioned off, the "BOYS" and "GIRLS" stones over the two front doors were also auctioned off. The 1917 cornerstone was donated to the Town Of Moriah Historical Society and placed on display in the Iron Center Museum in Port Henry.
In the late 1970's and early 80's, the former school was also used as a recreational center for kids of Port Henry, but proved unsuccessful. It was bought in the mid-80's by a developer from New Jersey who envisioned a resort hotel. Problems with permits and lack of money hindered his project and the building began to fall apart. The owner also let the taxes go and the village was about to take over the property. It soon became and eyesore to the locals and a place for the local kids to play. Eventually, in 2003, the building was stricken by fire. A group of children ages 8 to 14 started a fire in one of the upper rooms. Firefighters from several departments all over Essex County fought the fire for almost two days. During the fire, the weakened roof gave in and that was it for the High School. This building was finally dropped in August of 2004. All that is left is a crater filled with bricks, leftovers of the bleachers and a walled-in playing field.
The New York crest and eagle were auctioned off, the "BOYS" and "GIRLS" stones over the two front doors were also auctioned off. The 1917 cornerstone was donated to the Town Of Moriah Historical Society and placed on display in the Iron Center Museum in Port Henry.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
it has gone from a building to an overgrown vacant lot.


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 3/6/2006 4:09 PM.

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