Alder Manor

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Beautiful old estate, semi-abandoned. The gardens are spectacular, and other than the inside of the house, are the most interesting feature.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Active
Accessibility: Difficult
Recommendation: not very exciting
Status: Active
Accessibility: Difficult
Recommendation: not very exciting

- water
- Gardens are in rough shape

Security Measures
- 24 hour guard
- locked gates
- It's in plain sight of a school (foxfire) and the main road

Required Equipment
- long pants / sleeves

Physical Information
Yonkers, New York
United States
Owner: Tara's Circle
Yonkers, New York
United States
Owner: Tara's Circle

Interesting Features
Very unique and beautiful gardens, which are abandoned and not being restored as of yet. Perhaps the most interesting feature, but not of the property itself, is that this house was used in the filming of A Beautiful Mind. The scenes where he mails packages at night are filmed here - I confirmed it by watching the movie again last night.

Historical Dates
Built: 1912
Closed: 1994
Closed: 1994

Recommended Equipment
Camera, a look of belongingness

Former home of William Boyce-Thompson, who ran the Plant Institue across the street of the same name. Was used by Seton College for the past half century or so, and was then sold recently to Tara's Circle, who are in the process of restoring it (slowly)

Media Coverage

Future Plans
Has been purchased by an Irish group called Tara's Circle. I don't know what it's intended use is
It's been active for as long as i've known it. People have wedding there and their photos. If you want to go take photos it's considered a photoshoot in which you have to pay $3,000 for. It's not worth it. There's no sneaking in, People work there all day.
It's been active for as long as i've known it. People have wedding there and their photos. If you want to go take photos it's considered a photoshoot in which you have to pay $3,000 for. It's not worth it. There's no sneaking in, People work there all day.


Photo Galleries


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
Category | Rating |
Photography | 6 / 10 |
Coolness | 6 / 10 |
Content Quality | 6 / 10 |


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Explorer Zero on 11/18/2015 12:59 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Nov 18 15 at 0:59, Explorer Zero validated this location
- on Nov 12 15 at 15:09, rachelmackayy changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, Status, Accessibility, Recommendation, Security Measures, Future Plans
- on Sep 21 06 at 21:49, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Sep 21 06 at 12:30, Bratchny changed the following: Street Address, Latitude, Longitude
- on Sep 21 06 at 5:08, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Sep 21 06 at 1:08, DeMiNe0 changed the following: Latitude, Longitude
- on Sep 21 06 at 0:55, DeMiNe0 changed the following: City
- on Apr 18 05 at 16:46, Bratchny changed the main information
- on Sep 14 04 at 4:32, Bratchny made this location available
- on Sep 14 04 at 4:29, Bratchny updated a gallery picture

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