Athena High School
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created by SoupMeister on 9/3/2004 6:29 PM
last modified by SoupMeister on 8/2/2006 8:09 PM
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This is a marvelous building, one that grew organically as needs changed. There are parts that must be 30 years old, while others look brand new. It's excellent for someone's first exploration (or to train newbies). It's a dawdle to get in, getting out in an emergency is even easier, but there are plenty of oportunities to try your skill set.

The main building has a business/administration wing right at the entrance, and this was the newest-looking part (and completely stripped of everything useful). Past this bright part of the school lurks the oldest part, a four-level (basement, ground, two floors) long building with a central hall and classrooms on either side.

The place has been ransacked; desks and equipment have all been defenestrated (and to be found in assorted small pieces in the yard). Watch out for shards of glass when you're walking around.

When I visited (December 2003) there were some nice views to be had from the two floors and the roof.

You must see the corniest side of the building, the auditorium/theatre (east side of the ground floor). It has art nouveau plaster decorations. Fake, ugly ones at that. Ew.

For something darker and more dangerous, try the basement. Beware of slippery debris on stairs and at least one gaping hole on the floor of the cafeteria (an ancient septic tank, I believe).

The 'cell' is also worth visiting. It appears to have been a film set (perhaps a porn film set, at that): there are fake metal bars, a sink and urinal moved from other parts of the building, et cetera. It confused me beyond belief when I visited, until I saw the photographs and everything fit in. Schools don't have cells (even schools as bizarre as this), nor do their cells have bondage porn on the walls.
Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Easy
Recommendation: worth the trip
  • glass shards, open manholes, humans, human faecal matter
Security Measures
  • fences
  • locked gates
Required Equipment
  • flashlight
  • gloves
Physical Information
Kifissias av.
Athens, Attica
Owner: The Zerides foundation
Interesting Features
The sheer size of the complex; its easy accessibility; marvelous debris everywhere; some truly bizarre rooms in the basement (the 'cell'!); some good graffiti; moving last words from students still on blackboards.
Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 2002
Recommended Equipment
plenty of film / camera memory
A well-known privately owned school. People in Athens knew it as the 'Zerideon', after its founder, G Zerides. The building's actual name was 'Lykeion [High School] Athena'.

I don't know much more about this place except that it's been there for at least as long as I remember, and I'm old enough to have vague recollections of bell bottoms.

It looks like it was built in the Fifties or Sixties, but I don't have concrete evidence (yet).

It was abandoned in the summer of 2002, when they moved to new premises outside the bustle of one of the city's high-traffic avenues. New roadworks etc were at least partially to blame, too.

There is no mention of the old complex on the school's new website. They were probably embarrassed.
Media Coverage
None that I know of.
Future Plans
Most likely to be demolished soon (if it hasn't been already -- I haven't been in the vicinity since May). Too close to other, fancier buildings including the Olympic Stadium, shopping complexes etc.

UPDATE ON 2006-06-15: one of the smaller buildings in the school complex has now been demolished. I fear the rest may follow soon.

FINAL UPDATE ON 2006-08-02: the school has now been completely demolished. Sigh.
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Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

Category Rating
Photography 7 / 10
Coolness 9 / 10
Content Quality 8 / 10
This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Emperor Wang on 9/1/2006 11:10 PM.
Latest Changes
  • on Sep 1 06 at 23:10, Emperor Wang validated this location
  • on Aug 2 06 at 20:09, SoupMeister changed the following: Status, Future Plans
  • on Jun 25 06 at 14:56, Emperor Wang validated this location
  • on Jun 15 06 at 14:36, SoupMeister changed the following: Latitude, Longitude, History, Future Plans
  • on Aug 28 05 at 9:46, SoupMeister changed the following: Longitude, Prefer Satellite
  • on Apr 22 05 at 0:39, SoupMeister updated basic gallery info
  • on Apr 21 05 at 13:57, SoupMeister changed the main information
  • on Apr 6 05 at 16:47, SoupMeister changed the main information
  • on Apr 6 05 at 16:46, SoupMeister changed the main information
  • on Oct 5 04 at 8:28, SoupMeister updated a gallery picture
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