Larue D. Carter Memorial (Psychiatric) Hospital

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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.


Large 3-story hexagonal hospital building with east and west wings, or patient wards with individual patient "cells." There is also a spectacular (well, once maybe) penthouse-type suite on the 4th floor of the main wing. The basement is also pretty fascinating - be sure to take flashlights and check it out.

Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: forget it
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: forget it

- asbestos
- rust
- air quality
- possibly mold

Security Measures
- fences
- 24 hour guard
- locked gates
- welded doors
- wooden boarding

Required Equipment
- flashlight
- gloves
- long pants / sleeves

Physical Information
1315 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana
United States
Owner: State of Indiana / IUPUI
1315 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis, Indiana
United States
Owner: State of Indiana / IUPUI

Interesting Features
The penthouse (medical directors'?) suite on the top floor is a must-see. Also, the tunnels in the basement are spooky, cool. This location is extremely rich in interesting features, mainly in the form of the many, many artifacts you will discover. Plan to spend a whole day/afternoon, as there is a lot to take in. Once you get inside, the entire building is accessible, and is in generally good repair. It would appear that salvagers have not yet been turned loose, although current plans call for this building to eventually be demolished. Also be sure to visit the kitchen area on the first floor. Food and spices were left behind in the move and the contents of many boxes have broken open, or have been opened, creating a unique smell in the area. Not to mention it is very surreal. NOTE: To any interested ghost hunters, my mom worked at this hospital as a nurse in the 1970s and, according to her personal experiences, she believed it was haunted. So don't forget your EMF meters if you are curious! It is a creepy place.

Historical Dates
Built: 1949
Closed: 1995
Closed: 1995

Recommended Equipment
Digital Camera if you want some great pictures of an abandoned site.

Larue D. Carter is a psychiatric hospital that still operates today out of a different location. The old building's cornerstone reads 1949; the hospital opened in 1952. In December of 1995, the hospital relocated to a new facility in Indianapolis. From what I have heard, the old building could not be updated without major expeditures, i.e., no central air-conditioning. A number of hospital artifacts, such as chairs, tables, and beds have been left unattended inside the building.

Media Coverage

Future Plans
Fortunately, the high cost of demolition and a gray area on who actually owns the property might continue to stall plans to knock down the building. The site was originally owned by IUPUI, but was given to the state for the purpose of having a hospital built in the 1940s. From what I have read (can't find the article online anymore!), the agreement stated that if the State of Indiana were to no longer use the property for its hospital, the land would revert back to IUPUI's ownership. Except that the state seems to have "forgotten" to tear down the old hospital, and IUPUI doesn't want it back with an old building on the site. Neither of them want to pay for demolition, and since this situation more than likely wasn't forseen when the original contracts were written, the building sits empty. The state claims it cannot afford to upgrade the building, and that it is outdated to the point that it can no longer serve its function as a medical facility. And so the building waits, and although it may have been used for storage in some official capacity in the past, the building and its contents seem to have been well-abandoned by now, almost 10 years after the hospital relocated.


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Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Steed on 7/12/2010 2:04 AM.

Latest Changes
- on Jul 12 10 at 2:04, Steed validated this location
- on Jul 12 10 at 0:29, Brent changed the following: Status, Recommendation
- on Feb 4 10 at 3:50, Steed validated this location
- on Feb 3 10 at 20:39, iThink changed the following: Status, Accessibility, Security Measures
- on Jun 4 06 at 1:53, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on May 17 06 at 2:50, nightbird changed the following: Notes for Mods, Latitude, Longitude, Co-ordinate Accuracy
- on Mar 30 06 at 1:27, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jan 4 06 at 3:08, TurboZutek updated gallery picture The Doll.jpg
- on Jan 4 06 at 3:07, TurboZutek updated gallery What it looks like.
- on Jan 4 06 at 3:07, TurboZutek created a new gallery

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