Hamilton Thistle Club
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created by Rockman on 9/29/2003 12:39 PM
last modified by Stalker on 9/29/2005 9:08 AM
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This location has been labeled as Demolished, and therefore can be viewed by anyone.
The building has the sports arenas on either side, curling on the west, tennis/squash on the right, and the middle part houses the banquet areas, janitorial rooms, kitchen and what apear to be offices/residences which go up to the third floor. There is also a couple basements one which contains a locked safe, in fairly bad condition. The building has been almost completely trashed as a combination of weather (parts of the building are collapsing) and whoever else has explored it. Broken glass and rubble is everywhere. Photo opportunities abound
Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: impossible
Recommendation: worth the trip
    Security Measures
    • fences
    Required Equipment
    • flashlight
    • long pants / sleeves
    Physical Information
    85 Robinson St.
    Hamilton, Ontario
    Interesting Features
    Giant halls in various states of decay (the curling rink is in the process of being demolished although if you can get in there in the next day or so then you may still get a feel for its former glory), squash courts, tennis courts, apartments, and a large locked safe in one of the basements, banquet halls, numerous entertaining artifacts (a pile of cocktail umbrellas, what appears to be a bike-repair workshop, scattered artifacts etc), and a great rooftop (best explored late at night, due to the urban setting, including apartment buildings right across the street), while on the roof be carefull that you stay on the flat roof and do not attemp to climb on the peaked roof over top of the curling rink as it is very unstable and could collapse under your weight sending you to a three or four storey fall to the cement floor below. The back field of the property i believe was once a lawn bowling facility from the looks of things but I can not guaruntee this fact
    Historical Dates
    Built: 1853
    Closed: 2002
    Recommended Equipment
    The Hamilton Thistle Club is a men's club over a century old which featured squash, tennis and curling, as well as dining and banquet areas for members. It was also the address for BBQ catering for a short period of time after the social club closed from lack of interest / finances. Website is
    Media Coverage
    Hamilton Spectator - Demolition picture and comment
    (Oct. 9, 2004)
    Future Plans
    The building is now demolished only foundation left.
    All area was leveled and in mid September 2005 the area was used for movie scene.
    Photo Galleries

    Moderator Rating
    The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.

    This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
    This location's validation is current. It was last validated by Steed on 7/25/2008 6:36 AM.
    Latest Changes
    • on Jul 25 08 at 6:36, Steed validated this location
    • on Jul 24 08 at 14:36, Thadius updated a story
    • on Jul 24 08 at 14:36, Thadius updated a story
    • on Jul 24 08 at 14:36, Thadius updated a story
    • on Aug 2 07 at 22:52, Emperor Wang validated this location
    • on Jul 4 07 at 17:11, nightbird deleted gallery The Aftermath and its 8 pictures
    • on Jul 4 07 at 17:11, nightbird deleted gallery Pictures of the past and its 24 pictures
    • on Sep 1 06 at 2:34, Emperor Wang validated this location
    • on Aug 31 06 at 3:46, Jef updated gallery Pictures of the past
    • on Aug 16 06 at 20:31, Emperor Wang validated this location
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