Peter Cooper Glue Factory

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Basic Information
Type: Building
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: worth the trip
Status: Demolished
Accessibility: Moderate
Recommendation: worth the trip

- rust
- unsafe flooring
- flooding
- water

Security Measures
- fences
- barbed wire
- part-time guard
- locked gates
- over-concerned neighbors who slash your tires

Required Equipment
- flashlight

Physical Information

Interesting Features
This is a huge former glue factory located in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It has been empty since the late 70's or early 80's, and is basically wide open if you want to make the effort to go in. The building is huge, and is three stories tall, with a basement. There is a taller area that is no longer accessible due to removed catwalks. Also inside is a three story tall conveyer belt, that after you figure out the maze of stairs to reach the top, you'll find a pile of dead skin on top.
Getting in used to be easier, but they have finally decided to close the gate on the barbed wire fence surrounding the building. I haven't been inside since they've done this, as I've probably been in the place 10 times, but I'm sure there has to be holes in the fence, or a way around it.
Also on the site, there's tunnels that I've seen, but haven't explored at all, so I have no idea how extensive they are.
Getting in used to be easier, but they have finally decided to close the gate on the barbed wire fence surrounding the building. I haven't been inside since they've done this, as I've probably been in the place 10 times, but I'm sure there has to be holes in the fence, or a way around it.
Also on the site, there's tunnels that I've seen, but haven't explored at all, so I have no idea how extensive they are.

Historical Dates
Built: 0
Closed: 0
Closed: 0

Recommended Equipment


Media Coverage

Future Plans
Oak Creek would like to raze the whole area and turn it into mixed-use luxury condos. Anybody who’s been to Carrollville, though, knows that that plan wouldn't fit in with the blue collar backwater vibe it's got right now. But it is prime lakefront property, albeit insanely polluted prime lakefront property.

Sat, Oct 2nd, 2010


Web Links


Moderator Rating
The moderator rating is a neutral rating of the content quality, photography, and coolness of this location.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.
This location has not yet been rated by a moderator.


This location's validation is current.
It was last validated by
Emperor Wang on 6/22/2024 10:24 PM.

Latest Changes
- on Jun 22 24 at 22:24, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Jun 22 24 at 22:23, Emperor Wang changed the following: Interesting Features
- on Jun 22 24 at 22:19, Emperor Wang changed the following: Notes for Mods, Interesting Features, Security Measures, Media Coverage, Future Plans
- on Oct 3 10 at 17:27, Emperor Wang validated this location
- on Oct 2 10 at 22:26, ViolatorOfTheLaw updated a story
- on Oct 2 10 at 22:25, ViolatorOfTheLaw updated a story
- on Oct 2 10 at 22:25, ViolatorOfTheLaw updated a story
- on Oct 2 10 at 22:25, ViolatorOfTheLaw updated a story
- on Oct 2 10 at 22:25, ViolatorOfTheLaw updated a story
- on Oct 2 10 at 22:23, ViolatorOfTheLaw changed the following: Status, Accessibility, Security Measures

Forum Threads about this Location
Subject | Started By | Replies | Views | Last Post | |
![]() |
demo | shotgun mario | 1 | 946 | 9/19/2009 5:02 AM by zzztech13 |

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