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You must log in for this feature to work. Pinned 20yr Club Turd Furgusen 44 836 1/27/2025 7:02 PM by Akron
You must log in for this feature to work. Pinned UER Decals and Shirts! flySparro 193 314639 1/14/2025 11:39 AM by VoyageSyntaxe
You must log in for this feature to work. Pinned *** UNIVERSAL FAQ *** Avatar-X 0 461130 1/31/2006 4:59 PM by Avatar-X
You must log in for this feature to work. Field day! SteamPunk 21 7424 6/27/2021 1:29 AM by /-/ooligan
You must log in for this feature to work. newbie info nostra-YOUPPI! 10 3629 6/4/2020 2:37 AM by Radio2600
You must log in for this feature to work. Relatively inexpensive, relatively SECURE radios for UE /-/ooligan 1 593 5/25/2020 7:11 PM by Radio2600
You must log in for this feature to work. DANGEROUS UTILITIES LEFT ON OPEN HOLES IN FLOOR [not shur if this is the right place to post this] THWN2 1 609 1/25/2020 8:34 PM by blackhawk
You must log in for this feature to work. Astro Spectra CPS Agent Skelly 8 2898 6/21/2019 2:50 AM by inloc
You must log in for this feature to work. Baofeng Mickael 9 1560 4/23/2019 3:29 AM by Radio2600
You must log in for this feature to work. FS: Two 700/800MHz P-25 digital radios with encrypted channels /-/ooligan 0 668 4/22/2019 11:08 PM by /-/ooligan
You must log in for this feature to work. Programmable 'police scanner' for sale /-/ooligan 0 1126 2/21/2017 3:35 AM by /-/ooligan
You must log in for this feature to work. New to radio Mickael 4 2651 11/5/2014 3:37 AM by Mickael
You must log in for this feature to work. i found a Distant Early Warning Line Training Station today nohbdy 2 2995 2/29/2012 1:10 AM by /-/ooligan
You must log in for this feature to work. Vertex/Yaesu CE52 needed. SteamPunk 17 13021 2/20/2012 7:04 PM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. FS: Motorola Equipment!! MaxTrac / Radius / Micor RailGuy88 0 2269 11/19/2011 1:56 AM by RailGuy88
You must log in for this feature to work. Moto VHF MT2000 b4 codeplug unlisted 8 3756 9/27/2011 2:24 AM by NoSuchPerson
You must log in for this feature to work. FS: Icom F420 UHF Mobile Radios RailGuy88 0 3050 8/24/2011 4:32 AM by RailGuy88
You must log in for this feature to work. Toronto Codeplug? dinamyte 19 6953 7/3/2011 7:03 PM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. Are these hazardous to my health? thegerm 7 5514 7/1/2011 12:01 PM by nohbdy
You must log in for this feature to work. Numbers stations and other shortwave oddities Harvestman 12 6945 5/27/2011 11:36 AM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. HAM SOFTWARE SteamPunk 1 2118 5/26/2011 1:12 AM by Zephyr
You must log in for this feature to work. Yaesu VX-8r unlisted 1 4335 4/24/2011 3:21 AM by ghost6
You must log in for this feature to work. MCI Microwave Equipment? ExploringOhio 0 1801 3/28/2011 7:46 PM by ExploringOhio
You must log in for this feature to work. super duper DTV coat hanger antenna 3000 mk1 nohbdy 1 2182 3/12/2011 8:16 AM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. Unblocked digital scanners...? Jvelmar 21 18842 1/16/2011 1:35 AM by Agent Skelly
You must log in for this feature to work. New HF rig. SteamPunk 6 2986 12/11/2010 12:51 PM by el nerdo
You must log in for this feature to work. The W6NUT reapeater live feed! SteamPunk 0 2954 11/3/2010 4:23 AM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. ADMS VX3 software needed! SteamPunk 1 4188 11/12/2009 3:12 PM by Uday Shankar
You must log in for this feature to work. Poll: Urban Explorer PBX JC 20 8754 10/24/2009 10:48 PM by JC
You must log in for this feature to work. For when bored Xanadu 1 2526 10/8/2009 4:11 AM by unlisted
You must log in for this feature to work. Icom CS-F14 Software RailGuy88 2 7041 10/4/2009 9:50 AM by RailGuy88
You must log in for this feature to work. Kenwood TK-3180...Does ANYONE know anything about these? irock 10 4458 9/27/2009 2:51 AM by Agent Skelly
You must log in for this feature to work. NSFW police scanner help big dave 64 20605 9/3/2009 3:14 AM by rz350
You must log in for this feature to work. Help with Frequencies!! unlisted 36 11907 9/2/2009 1:54 AM by Agent Skelly
You must log in for this feature to work. Payphone unlisted 19 7317 8/18/2009 12:01 PM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. Negativlands TheWheatherman Xanadu 9 3383 8/4/2009 12:11 AM by plexiglas
You must log in for this feature to work. Uniden Bearcat BC 560XLT big dave 2 3570 6/10/2009 11:34 PM by RailGuy88
You must log in for this feature to work. Slightly Tangential - Seeking SIMPL software for crestron. Stong 1 2205 5/8/2009 4:50 AM by Stong
You must log in for this feature to work. Toronto Amateur Repeaters Agent Skelly 5 2966 4/25/2009 3:25 AM by Agent Skelly
You must log in for this feature to work. I'm going to ask for something thats mightly big... Agent Skelly 4 15026 3/23/2009 7:44 AM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. The picture speaks for it self, get your tinfoil hats ready! Conundrum 17 4790 12/8/2008 7:26 PM by Phreak480
You must log in for this feature to work. OpenSky is going DOWN! Agent Skelly 2 2487 12/6/2008 4:24 AM by EvilSpork
You must log in for this feature to work. Icom IC-F420 RailGuy88 6 8740 10/14/2008 3:16 PM by RailGuy88
You must log in for this feature to work. mtx8000 a dud? dinamyte 6 2875 9/24/2008 1:05 AM by dinamyte
You must log in for this feature to work. RADIO INVENTORY ONLY Mark 55 19203 8/13/2008 10:22 AM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. Signal Propagation Maps RailGuy88 7 2755 5/27/2008 12:28 AM by seany
You must log in for this feature to work. Moto Spirit MV11C SteamPunk 4 3569 11/12/2007 5:14 PM by SteamPunk
You must log in for this feature to work. Trunk Tracking? Can't sleep without an ear on. NightOpsTech 0 1918 10/9/2007 3:52 AM by NightOpsTech
You must log in for this feature to work. Digital Scanners slobrummer 7 2628 10/2/2007 3:47 AM by NoSuchPerson
You must log in for this feature to work. Looking For: XTS CPS V05.02.00 & Astro Spectra CPS Conundrum 2 3109 8/25/2007 5:28 AM by Conundrum
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