Gone, but always with us
Posted on Forum: Infiltration Forums
I'm sad to pass along the news that Predator, the founder of the Sydney Cave Clan and the author of the well known "Approach to Draining" textfile, has died of cancer. He was 33.

It's a real shame; he was a great explorer, a very smart and friendly guy with a good sense of humour, well liked by pretty much everyone. I never met him but I corresponded with him often and he always struck me as a great guy.

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Big drain driving
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm also saddened by Predator's death. He was a great guy, very smart, very innovative. I met him last year in Sydney, and thoughrally enjoyed his company. I will certinly miss him, and the influence he had on our hobby.
Noble Donor
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I never knew Predator, but what strikes me is that he was 33, well known explorer and had a cancer.

I don't know do you want to even speculate what might have caused the cancer at so young age? (although it's not that rare)

Did he wear a respirator while draining etc?

Lawrence, Massachusetts
Obey The Deer
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Unfortunately, I think this is the way we're all going to end. I dont expect to die much differently. Kinda weird to do something thrill seeking where the threat of death looms 20 years down the road rather than chancing death at the moment.

Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Kimmo
I never knew Predator, but what strikes me is that he was 33, well known explorer and had a cancer.

I don't know do you want to even speculate what might have caused the cancer at so young age? (although it's not that rare)

Did he wear a respirator while draining etc?

Australia has high levels of skin cancer, that could be the cause. I forget exactly why, but I learned about it in biology.

My sympathies go out to his family and friends.
Gone, but always with us
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: Infiltration Forums
He had lymphoma... I don't think it was related to his draining.

Brampton Ontario, Canada
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Lymphoma? No...definetly not Drain related.
Straight outta New Bedlam
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow only 33, that's pretty young but as the saying goes only the good die young.
Iron Wok Jan
UE Geek
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
"Approach to Draining" was the first document I ever read that got me thinking about drain keys. It's sad for anyone to die that young.
St Paul, Minnesota
"Someone go find me a paperclip, a D-cell battery, and a cheese grater"
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I too ran across the Cave Clan's old black-on-white mainly text site and was in awe of the small, grainy pictures of various drains. I spent several hours working my way through Predator's Approach before I found the webring and became aware of the online world of this activity.

My condolences go out to those who were close to him or knew him. It is unfortunate that a guy like that has to go so young.
Melbourne, Australia
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I don't know what to say about all of this, but in addition to the 'Approach' text file, <predator> also did an interview in Damage Inc., which was one of the hordes of (largely indifferent) hacking-themed text files to crop up in the late 90s-early 00s.
It's very intresting reading, IMO, but I haven't been able to find an online copy to link to. I have it on my hard drive somewhere and could put it up online or (probably more likely) cut and paste it here if anyone wants to see.
Oakland, CA
Coastal Wind
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by uem-Tux
"Approach to Draining" was the first document I ever read that got me thinking about drain keys. It's sad for anyone to die that young.

Me too. When I stumbled upon draining I was in the 5th grade and there was a creek that flowed into a 3ft RCP that I crawled half a mile through with one of my friends. We brought only one maglite and we came across all sorts of weird stuff.

When I got home I searched yahoo forever under Sewers and found nothing. Eventually I found predators guide and learned the keyword was "drain" which led me to this site.

I still believe he has one of the best guides to draining out there.

I never knew him personally but his guide and urbanadventure turned me onto exploration more than any other influence.

Back from the grave
Re: Predator
Posted on Forum:
He was also one of the originators of the independent media center.

Condoleances to friends and family

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