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London, UK
Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This site covers the North American scene pretty well. However, bizarrely, there are people that use this site from countries where English isn't the first or main language (i know, it shocked me too!).

So was wondering if those using this site from countries outside the USA/Canada, could post links here of forum/group sites (not individual sites unless little alternative). It would be useful to have a central resource where you can find say a collection of Japanese/Czech/German etc explore sites.

Then when people want to go to Country X, they can see what's available that isn't posted here, and make contact with locals.

Please don't flame about sites on this thread, info only. Thanks.

For starters:

Urban exploration.ie - http://www.urbanexploration.ie/

Derelict Places - http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/ (not an explore site, but has a few explores and historical stuff)
28 Days Later - http://www.28dayslater.co.uk (huge (although repetitive)contains members own website links)
Dark Places - http://www.darkplaces.co.uk/ (underground stuff)
North East UE http://www.northeasturbex.co.uk (North East England Only)
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
few more found with my limited French


CKZone - http://ckzone.org/
Exploration Urbaine - http://www.explo-alternative.fr


Urbex Forum - http://urbexforumb...ctif.net/forum.htm

Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
been quite interesting searching around for other native forums, frustrating at times as i don't know what words are used to describe exploring in different languages. Interesting to see how people in different countries approach the scene.

Finding Australian websites is a nightmare (although allegedly they speak English!). I've heard they had a big crackdown on Exploring there, and i've seen mentions of the Government closing down websites.

Here's some more though from Europe:




http://www.unterirdisch-forum.de (underground focused)
(3 compliments of chambre)
http://www.lost-places.com (rather small user group)
http://www.urbexsociety.com/ (In English & Deutsch)


I'm also building up quite a collection of local explorers own webpages. But this thread is for forums or sites where people from a certain country meet.
How close can you go?
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Q-elements.com - Suomen UE Forum - http://www.q-elements.com/forum

There's a list of Finnish UE sites on the forum. It might be more useful than the forum itself as it's in Finnish (good luck with Google Translate ;) and requires registration for most (regional, location-specific) content.
[last edit 3/6/2010 2:18 PM by Tupsumato - edited 1 times]
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
One of the most useful threads I have seen!
Russia, Moscow
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
www.whtsfx.com ——————this is well-organized UE group and forum in north of China

www.chinauer.com —————— china's first UE website but have been restrictied recently it will be reopen soon

most of UE websites were chinese ....it seems that chinese it's not easy for you guys to understand
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Cheers Wesley

You can use translation pages and sites, so it's no problem in this modern day and age.

Thanks to others for posting sites. I've been trying to find South American sites, but no joy so far.
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I know some guys in South America, and for the most part there's not a lot of websites. Sao Paulo is the biggest scene I know of, but there's stuff in other Brazilian Cities, Santiago, Buenos Aires, and also Columbia (I haven't been to Columbia yet though).

www.piratininga.org is a Sao Paulo site, but it's mostly architecture/preservation focused. http://www.lost.art.br/zezao.htm is another great site, but is basically a graffiti site. I haven't really found a pure exploring scene in any of the places I've been - the scenes are either mostly academic (architecture/preservation/urban planning based) with an exploring angle, or graffiti-based with an exploring angle. Both are fun, although some of the graffiti guys are seriously, seriously fucking nuts.

There's a lot of difference between exploring in large first-world, and less-than-first-world cities. For the most part, urban areas in non first-world cities have huge recent popluation growth due to immigrants fleeing poverty in rural areas. There isn't the abandonment due to urban population decline and deindustrialization that you see in North America or Europe, and as such there aren't the type of abandonments you'll find in post-industrial first-world cities at all. This isn't to say that there aren't dilapidated and abandoned buildings - they're just always filled with squatters, because there's so much housing pressure due to the exploding urban population. This is the biggest reason for the lack of photo sites - I dare anyone here to walk into a abandoned skyscraper in Sao Paulo with $3000 worth of camera equipment.

This poverty also leads to a lot of security. Any construction site (or anywhere else with metal) without security will be completely scrapped in 5 minutes. Any remotely middle-class neighborhood will have everything on lock-down. Any abandonment without squatters has a ton of security.

In terms of urban infrastructure, these are mostly recently developed cities. As a result, drains are almost all big and non-descript (and occasionally populated by squatters also). There isn't a whole lot of forgotten odds and ends from over a hundred years ago, because generally 95% of the city was developed in the last 100 years. There hasn't been any kind of real land war in urban areas, so you don't have any military abandonments.
[last edit 3/19/2010 6:28 PM by Moe14 - edited 2 times]
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum


There you go Plosmoyre!
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by bukowski_jr


There you go Plosmoyre!

Awesome, thanks man. I've been searching around myself but I never came across this one.

Great thread also, very useful to have all these links in one place.
Prettay Coo N00b
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Moe14

http://www.lost.art.br/zezao.htm is another great site, but is basically a graffiti site.

Hey Moe! I was wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about the Lost Art site. I put some of it through a translator and that worked fairly well, but I guess I'm not understanding the big picture. The photographer(s?) who runs the site seems to be involved in a lot of different things. Is graffiti only a portion of what they do?
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
A few more finds. It's not easy searching without being a native speaker. The term 'urban exploring' doesn't help either, as it brings up all sorts of urban planning and Ford Explorer fan sites. I've always felt 'Guerilla Exploring' is more apt, would also produce less sites to wade through.




https://www.flashback.org/f76 (UE section within a larger forum)

Belgian or Dutch?
has a .be web address, but some language is Dutch

and swiped from a post by urbexIL

Not a forum, but came across this in my searches,
http://www.amorinm...donados-de-la-urss a full on submarine base!
[last edit 6/3/2010 11:00 AM by Guerrillaexplorer066 - edited 1 times]
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
You can use this site for any of the above, and translate it into your own language, as you can also do for this site. One Internet, One World

Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thank you!
London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

http://sgforums.com/forums/1339 (bit lame and includes paranormal bits?!?)

I was looking for info on the rather amazing Marina Bay Sands Hotel, a base jumpers paradise i'd imagine.


London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum


not a forum site, but has some content

London, UK
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
[last edit 8/1/2010 8:50 AM by Guerrillaexplorer066 - edited 1 times]
Stockholm, Sweden
Re: Native explore websites outside USA/Canada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by bukowski_jr

Thank you for this info.

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