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A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
[Posted with approval of moderators. This can be an ongoing effort as questions/suggestions come forth]

A Rookie Guide to using your UER account

Congratulations on your purchase of your brand new UER account. Your account has been created with the finest quality materials available and we are certain that once you open the box and unpack your account, that you will quickly become delighted with the features available.

Before turning your UER account on for the first time, we recommend that you follow these simple operating instructions to avoid personal injury. Please remember to change the air filter in your UER account once every three months or otherwise you may void your warranty.

This Rookie Guide might be for you if your questions were not answered by Avatar-X’s Universal FAQ located here…

The following guide is based on information provided for you by the following friendly members:
-> Freak
-> Intrinsic
-> Avatar-X
-> Misfitstyle
-> Nightbird
-> Snickerpuss

and now without further delay………

A Rookie Guide to using your UER account


1) I’m new here and I’d like to know the difference between a Basic Member and a Full Member.

2) I would like to know how to become a Full Member?

3) How can I apply for Full Membership?

To find answers for these questions (#1-3) click on this link:

To avoid being rejected right off the bat, don’t ask for Full Membership status immediately. There are many other members who have attempted to do so within days of registering a new account and this leaves other people little basis to vouch for you.

Factors taken into consideration may include any contributions to the message forums, people who can vouch for you, strikes against you for whatever reason, and any images that you post of places that you’ve been.

4) Why must I wait seven days before posting?

By restricting new members to a seven day wait, this cuts down on undesirable messages which might be considered spam or malicious. In addition it allows new members significant time to understand how UER works and what sort of guidelines are generally followed.

5) Where can I introduce myself to others?


Due to the large number of new people posting in the “New Member? Introduce Yourself Here” thread, it is entirely possible that you will not receive a response. Don’t take this as a sign of anyone being unfriendly – sometimes you’ll receive a reply, other times you won’t.

6) Where can I locate a moderator?

If you have any questions, there is a team of highly qualified moderators available to assist you. They may be reached at the following link:

A list of your friendly moderators may be located here:

7) Someone is abusing me. What can I do?
See item #6 above.

Generally it is not permitted for members to abuse newcomers. Please bear in mind that sometimes the questions asked by new users can be repetitious or silly. With these questions you may receive some sarcastic or harsh sounding replies. Please don’t let this discourage you from continuing to ask for assistance; we’ve all been a new member at some point in time.

Posting Images in the Forum

1) For information regarding how to post images into your messages, refer to this guide:

2) I’ve taken some photos from a recent trip. Should I post them?

You could post a complete photo dump of your digital camera’s memory card but reconsider doing so. Do you really want to post a blurry photo or a photo of your friend urinating on a fence?

If you feel that your photos are decent quality and that others would enjoy them, by all means. There is also a “Photo Critique” message board where you may have your work commented upon by others. This serves as constructive criticism to better help you in your efforts.

3) My images are too large, how can I resize them?


Phot oshop
Click on Image -> Imagesize -> Enter in width and height

Paint Shop Pro
Click on Image -> Resize -> Enter in width and height

Click on Image -> Attributes -> Enter in width and height (does not resize image, only window)


1) How do I find access into a location?

Finding a POE (point of entry) is part of the thrill of exploration. It is not permitted to publicly post POE details in the forums so please don’t ask (or offer up any). This isn’t to say that someone won’t message you with the details you require.

2) If I post a location on the forum, how do I know if someone else has been there already

- Depending on whether the location is for Full Members only, you may not know. If it’s a new location for everybody (and it’s happened) then you will be hailed as a hero and showered with free gifts and alcohol.

- If it’s an existing location, no harm done, posting photos shows that you like to contribute content.

- If/When you become a Full Member any photos that you have posted to the forums will NOT be automatically included into the locations database. You will need to create a new location or add photos into an existing location entry in order to include your content.

- Please do not post other people’s photos (eg. Flickr). Chances are that not only will that person already be on UER but you will quickly find yourself up against great odds when asking for full access.

3) I'd like to ask people for places to explore.

It is generally discouraged to do this. The reason is that for many UER members, they have earned their keep by sharing their own locations with other people. For someone to create a new account and immediately ask for handouts will not go over too well.

The catch-22 of course is how to find locations in your area without having access to the Full Member area and without asking for handouts.

4) How do I find out about locations in my area when I am a Basic Member and people aren’t willing to give them to me?

There are a few ways. By no means is this the entire list of possibilities:

a) Find someone local to you on UER to see if they would be willing to explore with you

b) Google Map your area and be observant of buildings located in isolated locations as well as empty parking lots during regular business hours

c) It never hurts to search your local newspaper archive for terms such as ‘abandoned’, ‘demolition’, ‘derelict’. You might be pleasantly surprised.

d) Take a drive down the back roads of your area.

e) Browse your local real estate website.

f) Flickr

5) I found the most amazing bottle/poster/equipment and I'd like to bring it home.

There have been many discussions related to taking items from locations. In each case it comes down to legalities and ethics. There are many people who follow the guideline of “take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints”. By preserving these sites, it ensures follow-up visitors will have an equally enjoyable experience. There are also those who do not abide by this motto.

Remember that kicking open doors and ripping boards off of windows constitutes break and enter. This guide will not serve as a legal guide. Use your own judgment.

Trespassing laws, by the way, may be found here:

If you feel timid about trespassing, then try asking for permission if possible.

6) I’ve made a friend or two over the Internet and I want to go exploring with them. Is it safe? Is it safe to venture out alone?

Common sense prevails.

Maybe you want to let someone know where you are going, and with whom you are going with (although UER is an alias based community). Carry a cell phone with you. There are many people who are willing to take on a new member in their explorations. This is a great way to prove yourself providing you’re not a serial arsonist, etc.

Females of course should exercise caution, which can be said for meeting anybody over the Internet regardless of what forum you are using. Consider attending a large-scale UER meet (based out of Toronto) or other special event. Bring a friend with you.

Only you know what you are comfortable with… no guide can tell you otherwise.

7) What equipment should I bring with me?

There are more than enough tutorials and guides for you to read at this link:

Also note that possession of burglary tools, spray paint or concealed weapons may not go over so well if you are caught by the police.

8) I visited a location that I found in the database and it was gone, GONE I TELL YOU!

Some locations do end up being demolished. Be particularly wary of locations that have not seen recent photos for a few years and perhaps try using Google Maps first. You might also want to try to organize your road trip so that you have a few other backup locations to visit.

9) What equipment should I bring on my trips?

Refer to this thread as an example:

My Account

1) How do I obtain or change the photo next to my name?

This is referred to as an avatar and it can be modified from your Profile settings.


2) How do I contact another member?

You may click on the envelope icons shown below their username or by clicking on their username which will take you to their profile page.

= Send a PM to that user
= Send an email to that user
= Send a PM to that user with quoted post text
= Yahoo Instant Messenger (user online)
= Yahoo Instant Messenger (user offline)
= AOL Instant Messenger
= User Home Webpage

When you have an incoming message, the Messages icon will flash, an audio alert will sound, and a "You have 1 unread AvBoard message!" will appear at the top of every page until you read it. If you are offline at the time, an e-mail notification will be sent.

3) I accidentally posted the same response/new thread twice. How do I delete it?

Refer to Membership - item #6

[last edit 5/3/2009 3:29 PM by Avatar-X - edited 3 times]
I aim to misbehave
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

(great guide)
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
lil addition to No 3 - resizing
GIMP is a free powerful tool like photoshop. Right click on image to get context menu and resize.
They locked down their fortress - with locks!
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Something I've always wondered, but can't find the answer to is What is the little elf icon some people have that says Just Elfin it up?
as one does
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Alanslinky
Something I've always wondered, but can't find the answer to is What is the little elf icon some people have that says Just Elfin it up?

Oh, they're just elfin it up. Got a problem with that?
They locked down their fortress - with locks!
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Nope, just wondering what it means to be just elfin it up... been wondering that since i joined.
as one does
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
There used to be a phone game on the UER hotline (now defunct) that you could play. If you won, you got an elf. I played it a few times, but never won
Carpe noctum
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum:
Posted by Glass
There used to be a phone game on the UER hotline (now defunct) that you could play. If you won, you got an elf. I played it a few times, but never won

I'm going to start a campaign to get glass an elf.
I have abandonment issues
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by rob666

I'm going to start a campaign to get glass an elf.

next time you see "call av" on the top of the page, call him, and demand your elf!
Carpe noctum
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum:
Posted by don_corleyone

next time you see "call av" on the top of the page, call him, and demand your elf!

corley, I was hoping you would run the marketing campaign. Our slogan is "an elf-less glass is half full"

I have abandonment issues
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by rob666

corley, I was hoping you would run the marketing campaign. Our slogan is "an elf-less glass is half full"

look, rob, that would take way too much time away from my drinking campaign. my apologies tho.
Carpe noctum
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum:
Posted by don_corleyone

look, rob, that would take way too much time away from my drinking campaign. my apologies tho.

I suspect your drinking has contributed to the half empty glass....
Knoxville, TN
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I have a kinda silly question... How come I can see some abandonments? I thought you had to be a full member to see that in the LDB.. It does not say demolished. Is it because it is mostly common knowledge?
Also whats the magical wolf/fox star? Just wonderin.
King of Puns
Purveyor of Fine Lampshades
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by LauraL42
I have a kinda silly question... How come I can see some abandonments? I thought you had to be a full member to see that in the LDB.. It does not say demolished. Is it because it is mostly common knowledge?

Entries in the database can be marked as available to full members only, so anything that isn't marked as such is visible to everyone.
Knoxville, TN
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks. I was just wondering. Thought maybe it had been torn down.
King of Puns
Purveyor of Fine Lampshades
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by LauraL42
Thanks. I was just wondering. Thought maybe it had been torn down.

Actually, I think here have been instances where people have switched their DB entries to public because of demolition, so you may well be right, there.
All right. Get your stupid fuckin' rope.
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I know this is going to sound stupid I know it but im ready for the slack, I am trying to change my profile personal pic thing but I can't. Every time I try it says "file too large" but I'm a pro at ps and have tried resizing the actual image, i've tried resizing the properties, I've tried cropping and its that same with every pic I use. Any tips?
Clever Girl
Circle of Least Confusion
RPS is inside all of us
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Mrs.Marni
I know this is going to sound stupid I know it but im ready for the slack, I am trying to change my profile personal pic thing but I can't. Every time I try it says "file too large" but I'm a pro at ps and have tried resizing the actual image, i've tried resizing the properties, I've tried cropping and its that same with every pic I use. Any tips?

Ensure your DPI is low (72dpi) and/or use Save for Web function in PS? Max image size is 150 pixels by 150 pixels. Outside of that- try uploading with a different browser?
King of Puns
Purveyor of Fine Lampshades
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Is the image larger than 100kb in file size?
Re: A Rookie Guide to using your UER account
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by LauraL42
Also whats the magical wolf/fox star? Just wonderin.


I know nothing.
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