Bad news, guys.
Hello Andrew,
I'm working on an article for tomorrow's newspaper about an accident at the Hearn station on Sunday, in which a man was badly injured. I'm now getting word from police that he has died, and I'm looking for reaction from the UE community.
If you get this message today and are willing to talk, please contact me as soon as possible. I don't have to identify you.
Anthony Reinhart | The Globe and Mail
Hello Andrew,
I'm working on an article for tomorrow's newspaper about an accident at the Hearn station on Sunday, in which a man was badly injured. I'm now getting word from police that he has died, and I'm looking for reaction from the UE community.
If you get this message today and are willing to talk, please contact me as soon as possible. I don't have to identify you.
Anthony Reinhart | The Globe and Mail
If anyone else gets an email like this, please don't say anything until we find out exactly who it was first. This is an awful thing to have happened to anyone, but I don't think we need this turning into a story about urban exploration unless we're sure it involved someone from our community.
Industrial accident, Update, Victim succumbs to injuries, 55 Division
Broadcast time: 15:47
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
55 Division 416-808-5500
On Sunday, June 15, 2008, 4 p.m., police received a call for an industrial accident at the Richard L. Hearn Thermal Generating Station at 440 Unwin Avenue.
See previous release.
It is reported that:
- two men had entered the facility through a secure area for the purposes of taking artistic photographs of the interior of the building which is currently undergoing demolition,
- a 26-year-old victim fell from an open area on the catwalk into an abandoned coal hopper located approximately three stories below,
- the victim was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.
The victim has succumbed to his injuries. Next-of-kin have been notified.
The Ministry of Labour and the Toronto Police Service are continuing their investigations.
Constable Tonyo Vella, Public Information, for Detective Kimberley O'Toole, 55 Division
Broadcast time: 15:47
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
55 Division 416-808-5500
On Sunday, June 15, 2008, 4 p.m., police received a call for an industrial accident at the Richard L. Hearn Thermal Generating Station at 440 Unwin Avenue.
See previous release.
It is reported that:
- two men had entered the facility through a secure area for the purposes of taking artistic photographs of the interior of the building which is currently undergoing demolition,
- a 26-year-old victim fell from an open area on the catwalk into an abandoned coal hopper located approximately three stories below,
- the victim was rushed to hospital with serious injuries.
The victim has succumbed to his injuries. Next-of-kin have been notified.
The Ministry of Labour and the Toronto Police Service are continuing their investigations.
Constable Tonyo Vella, Public Information, for Detective Kimberley O'Toole, 55 Division
Posted by Axle This Anthony is legit, he does work for the Globe and Mail (I checked, he also contacted me). I did chat with him, he just had a couple questions about UE in general, the dangers of it ect. And my general feelings about the whole incident. |
I don't care if he's legit. The point is, we don't even know if this person (or whoever he was with) was an urban explorer or just some guy out taking pictures. I know there's often a fine line between the two, but still. There was an incident in Australia recently where a couple of non-explorers died in a storm drain and the media had a field day by turning it into this big story about the Cave Clan draining community. The general public already has this conception that what we do is dangerous. We don't need that to be made stronger because of this particular incident.
[last edit 6/17/2008 8:01 PM by micro - edited 2 times]
A response to my email:
Hello Andrew, and thanks for the reply.
Here are the two police press releases on the incident, starting with the most recent, which mentions the man's death. I called the detective and she said he and his companion were both from Northern Ontario, but no names have been released.
I understand your sensitivity around negative press, but it seems pretty clear from the press releases that these men were engaged in urban exploration. I've already spoken to one UE enthusiast who lamented the death but also pointed out that, in his opinion, a very small percentage (ie. about one per cent) of UE participants would fall into the category crudely defined as "idiots"; that is, people who take ill-advised risks and fail to conduct themselves safely. He placed this incident in that category, based on the fact that these guys climbed to a sixth-storey catwalk of a building that's under demolition - something he said most UE people would never do, given the obvious dangers.
If you would like to weigh in, please feel free; if not, I understand.
Here are the press releases:
Hello Andrew, and thanks for the reply.
Here are the two police press releases on the incident, starting with the most recent, which mentions the man's death. I called the detective and she said he and his companion were both from Northern Ontario, but no names have been released.
I understand your sensitivity around negative press, but it seems pretty clear from the press releases that these men were engaged in urban exploration. I've already spoken to one UE enthusiast who lamented the death but also pointed out that, in his opinion, a very small percentage (ie. about one per cent) of UE participants would fall into the category crudely defined as "idiots"; that is, people who take ill-advised risks and fail to conduct themselves safely. He placed this incident in that category, based on the fact that these guys climbed to a sixth-storey catwalk of a building that's under demolition - something he said most UE people would never do, given the obvious dangers.
If you would like to weigh in, please feel free; if not, I understand.
Here are the press releases:
[last edit 6/17/2008 8:04 PM by micro - edited 1 times]
Posted by micro I don't care if he's legit. The point is, we don't even know if this person (or whoever he was with) was an urban explorer or just some guy out taking pictures. I know there's often a fine line between the two, but still. There was an incident in Australia recently where a couple of non-explorers died in a storm drain and the media had a field day by turning it into this big story about the Cave Clan draining community. The general public already has this conception that what we do is dangerous. We don't need that to be made stronger because of this particular incident. |
I understand what you're saying, but if he was someone entering the premises to take pictures of or from within a beautiful abandoned building, he was one of you, and he was, for fucking fuck's sake, "legit".
I understand (possibly more than anyone on this entire website) the desire for spin control and trying to promote understanding from the media, but your suggestion that "the point is" that he might be different from us in some indistinct, elitist form of tribalism, is immaterial, disrespectful, and selfish.
And please do me and the deceased the respect of not having an argument with me about this.
My heart goes out to friends and family of this man, and the explorer community at large — of which I consider him a member.
Posted by micro A response to my email: --- Hello Andrew, and thanks for the reply. Here are the two police press releases on the incident, starting with the most recent, which mentions the man's death. I called the detective and she said he and his companion were both from Northern Ontario, but no names have been released. I understand your sensitivity around negative press, but it seems pretty clear from the press releases that these men were engaged in urban exploration. I've already spoken to one UE enthusiast who lamented the death but also pointed out that, in his opinion, a very small percentage (ie. about one per cent) of UE participants would fall into the category crudely defined as "idiots"; that is, people who take ill-advised risks and fail to conduct themselves safely. He placed this incident in that category, based on the fact that these guys climbed to a sixth-storey catwalk of a building that's under demolition - something he said most UE people would never do, given the obvious dangers. If you would like to weigh in, please feel free; if not, I understand. Here are the press releases: |
I hate to fan the fire here, but that statement I highlighted kind of bothers me. This is why people should not talk to the press. We don't know what happened... We have no idea if these two were careless, if they merely had an accident (being careful) , if they were intoxicated etc...and so forth. This is not for us to even discuss.
The caveclan incident you mentioned was well handled, even if the press ripped off photos of the drain in question where two people died. Perhaps this is why something should be said to this guy from the globe because this article is going to handled very badly if they are jabbing in the dark and speaking to people who won't identify themselves (not you).
It appears as if they want to run the story with a UE angle, as opposed to a wandering photographer angle and unless someone can confirm that it was someone this community, not just a photog who happened in there -- everyone who knows jack about this past-time will forever remember this story. And I'm not attempting to separate oranges from tangerines here, I just don't like the spin they are taking.
This really, really sucks.
[last edit 6/17/2008 8:20 PM by Air - edited 1 times]
Posted by micro I've already spoken to one UE enthusiast who lamented the death but also pointed out that, in his opinion, a very small percentage (ie. about one per cent) of UE participants would fall into the category crudely defined as "idiots"; that is, people who take ill-advised risks and fail to conduct themselves safely. He placed this incident in that category, based on the fact that these guys climbed to a sixth-storey catwalk of a building that's under demolition - something he said most UE people would never do, given the obvious dangers. |
That idiot comment was crass and uncalled for. I will say it again...THIS COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO ANYONE ON THIS SITE. This is not the time to talk about how elite you are. Jeez. The last thing I want is to be lumped in with that enthusiast.
I feel terrible about this poor fellow and his friend. What a horrible thing to have happen. I do feel for the family, but especially for the friend. I couldn't imagine if something like that happened to anyone I was exploring with. I don't even want to try imagining that.
In regards to the journalist's correspondence and the discussion around that,
One thing I guess to point out is how childish and foolish the acronym "UE" sounds. If you're ever talking to someone from the media, please don't use the term, and try to disabuse them of any notions of using it.
In general though, I guess this is more evidence that you should really think through what you're going to say before you say it. Assuming that the reporter isn't hack paraphrasing here and misrepresenting Axle's point, 1% of explorers? Really now? All the people who've been going to Hearn in the past few years have just gone up a stable set of structural stairs to the control room and haven't tried to unknowingly tempt fate by venturing out onto any of the upper levels? Really?
Extending on what Liz said, I think if I were talking to this or any other journalist, I would really try to downplay and disabuse him of the notion that there is an urban exploration "community" in any official, institutional sense as he's treating it, as something to be sourced and pulse-checked. Lots of people explore this city in creative and sometimes unorthodox ways, and some subset of those people are drawn to buildings like Hearn. Many of those people don't post here or interact with any of us, except for the occasional random e-mail. What they're doing is no less (and sometimes quite a bit more) legitimate than what people on this forum do.
One thing I guess to point out is how childish and foolish the acronym "UE" sounds. If you're ever talking to someone from the media, please don't use the term, and try to disabuse them of any notions of using it.
In general though, I guess this is more evidence that you should really think through what you're going to say before you say it. Assuming that the reporter isn't hack paraphrasing here and misrepresenting Axle's point, 1% of explorers? Really now? All the people who've been going to Hearn in the past few years have just gone up a stable set of structural stairs to the control room and haven't tried to unknowingly tempt fate by venturing out onto any of the upper levels? Really?
Extending on what Liz said, I think if I were talking to this or any other journalist, I would really try to downplay and disabuse him of the notion that there is an urban exploration "community" in any official, institutional sense as he's treating it, as something to be sourced and pulse-checked. Lots of people explore this city in creative and sometimes unorthodox ways, and some subset of those people are drawn to buildings like Hearn. Many of those people don't post here or interact with any of us, except for the occasional random e-mail. What they're doing is no less (and sometimes quite a bit more) legitimate than what people on this forum do.
[last edit 6/17/2008 8:25 PM by kowalski - edited 1 times]
Ok, so I overreacted. I just didn't want to talk to anyone until I knew all the facts. Axle chose another route and in doing so suggested that whoever died was an "idiot" so I refuse to feel like the bad guy here.
I wasn't suggesting that this person was less "legit" if they weren't a self-ascribed urban explorer or member of this site. I wasn't thinking about it in those terms, at least not in the way it was suggested. I just felt at the time (roughly five mins after receiving that email) that it wasn't my place to talk about any of this when I knew about as much regarding the situation as anyone else here.
I wasn't suggesting that this person was less "legit" if they weren't a self-ascribed urban explorer or member of this site. I wasn't thinking about it in those terms, at least not in the way it was suggested. I just felt at the time (roughly five mins after receiving that email) that it wasn't my place to talk about any of this when I knew about as much regarding the situation as anyone else here.
[last edit 6/17/2008 8:49 PM by micro - edited 1 times]
Posted by micro I wasn't suggesting that this person was less "legit" if they weren't a self-ascribed urban explorer or member of this site. I wasn't thinking about it in those terms, at least not in the way it was suggested. I just felt at the time (roughly five mins after receiving that email) that it wasn't my place to talk about any of this when I knew about as much regarding the situation as anyone else here. |
For the record, I think your general sentiment and gut instinct is quite admirable.
[last edit 6/17/2008 8:53 PM by kowalski - edited 1 times]
Why are we worrying about what the media will do to this terrible turn of events? They will hammer on the hobby, and related hobbies regardless of what our involvement with the press is.... it's their job. They dig up facts, they make up facts, they connect things that are not connected....and suddenly it's a story.
When a few guys go fast in cars on the turns to street racing laws and car customizing hobbies. When someone dies in a work accident.... same story.
No matter what we say or do, this IS and WILL be a story about urban exploration and/or urban photography.
RIP Unknown Explorer
Play Safe Everyone Else
When a few guys go fast in cars on the turns to street racing laws and car customizing hobbies. When someone dies in a work accident.... same story.
No matter what we say or do, this IS and WILL be a story about urban exploration and/or urban photography.
RIP Unknown Explorer
Play Safe Everyone Else
Posted by oddspot Why are we worrying about what the media will do to this terrible turn of events? They will hammer on the hobby, and related hobbies regardless of what our involvement with the press is.... it's their job. They dig up facts, they make up facts, they connect things that are not connected....and suddenly it's a story. When a few guys go fast in cars on the turns to street racing laws and car customizing hobbies. When someone dies in a work accident.... same story. |
Why are we using shorthand to absolve ourselves of all agency in what has or will occur, so that we can just pretend we're in control of nothing and then complain about it anyway after the fact?
With respect to the other explorer that the reporter spoke with, I think that more than 1% of explorers who have been to Hearn have climbed to the catwalks during the time it has been an active demolition site (i.e. anyone in the last 3 years or so). I'd hazard to guess it is more the converse. Unless I hear this guy was doing a juggling routine on a unicycle on the edge of the hopper opening (or whatever), I don't see anything to suggest that he was being any riskier in his behaviour that most of us who aren't named Blackhawk have been at one point or another. On the face of it, I don't see how he could be labeled an idiot anymore than the rest of us (who aren't named Blackhawk).
[last edit 6/17/2008 9:11 PM by yokes - edited 2 times]
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