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Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Even though I lurked for a year due to being shy, I have now joined and I would like to offer my sympathy to all who knew this great person.Without him I would have no one to share my experiences with UE.
Smithers, BC
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I don't know what to say really... I'm still in shock. His site and zine was a major influence on my being here today.
London, Ontario
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm completely shocked... Ninj was one of my main inspirations to begin UE. I spent countless hours reading his exploits on Infiltration. Although I never met him, he was a legendary figure in this community.

RIP Ninj.
[last edit 8/24/2005 2:54 AM by Capone - edited 1 times]
Portland, Or
It's nobler to never get paid, than to bank on shit and dismay
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ninj: You will be missed by all who've had the pleasure of meeting you, and those who you touched with your writing and guidance.

Liz and family: My sincerest condolences.
Milton, ON
Sieg oder Tod
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
To Attention!

*moment of silence*

It is always a sad thing when someone who has so widely affected hundreds of people to step outside the bounds of society, hell it's a sad thing when anyone passes away.

I to am one who got into this by means of Infiltration spending many hours pouring over the stories and photos of his exploits.

Rest in Peace.
My sympathy and prayers go out to his family and friends.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I met him once, a true leader in the UE world, a really nice guy.

Some of us know him as Milky, Jeff, Ninj, infact he can also been seen in http://www.bbsdocumentary.com he was in the bbs documentary alone side yours truely, so for those looking for permanent memory of Jeff, and a few interviews of him from the BBS days check that out.

He was an innovator in UE, and his zine definatly got me interested.

Well, he's got a whole new arena of UE ahead of him upstairs. Rest in Peace.
Somewhere over london, Ontario
gotta climb.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
his sit was part of the reason i got into UE. i red almost all of his storys. i never got to meet him to tell him how much he inspired me.

RIP Ninjalicious, may our mag lites guide your soul...
Edinburgh, Scotland
With Satan, it's always gimmie, gimmie.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum:

When I get to the Other Side, I hope you'll show me around.


Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I remember stumbling across Infiltration by mistake one day. I had always been interested in UE before I knew what to call it, but not in any serious way -- that is, until I read Ninj's tales. They set my mind into motion about a new and different way of understanding our environment that only a few people, like Ninj, truly see. That the urban environment is something to be savored, not maligned; that it is full of wonders most don't appreciate and ignore. He saw beauty where most see ugliness, and you know what -- he was right.

Ninj bettered all of us, and society as a whole, by inspiring us to an activity -- maybe even a lifestyle -- that opens the mind. He will be missed, but his legacy will live on. My only regret is, I wish I would have told him this when I was actually sitting next to him. Thanks Ninj, wherever you are, for opening my eyes.
[last edit 8/24/2005 3:26 AM by Servo - edited 1 times]
Sydney, Australia.
Cave Clan are go!!
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
That was beautiful Servo, I think you've captured everyones thoughts so articulately and eloquantly.

Cave Clan bows its collective heads.
Hope you and <pred> are kicking it up in the big drain in the sky!!

Vancouver,B.C. Canada
Always just out of sight...
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum:
Ninj turned out to be one of the nicest people I've met. Funny, we were both exploring out here in BC years ago, before the websites, and we never met. Finally met at the first opex. He was blessed to have Liz, and I send our condolences in this difficult time. I don't know what else to say... the words are hard to get out. So much to say, but no way to say it. The what if is going to haunt me.

Goodbye ninj, you're gone, but you'll never be forgotten.
Moncton, NB, CanaDUH.
i never thought id see the day, when church kids choose the hardcore way.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
sending my condolences in this tough time, from myself, and Satori Crew.

im shocked. never was able to meet him, see you in the after life.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Calgary, AB
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ninj really started an era for UE, made it accessible to everyone - and was without a doubt one of the most level-headed people I have ever met.

He will truly be missed. R I P.
Toronto, ON
Imperator Sagittario
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Holy shit, this came out of the blue. I didn't even know he was battling cancer.

RIP Ninj, your UE efforts ain't gonna be forgotten by those of us down here. I just wish I had a chance to meet you before this, though, because Infiltration was what got me actively involved in the UE scene.

Condolences to all who were close to him.
Virginia, USA
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thought I never met Ninj, I'm stunned and deeply sorrowed. Ninj represented much of our community at its best, daring and original, not only proud of his accomplishments, but having a genuine desire to share his discoveries with others who could understand what it means to be an explorer. The hole he leaves in the community can never be filled. There may be imitators, but never another original.

This member has been banned. See the banlist for more information.
The looniest, zaniest, spontaneous, sporadic Impulsive thinker, compulsive drinker, addict
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I said it in the thread in the ontario forum, But I'l add my RIP here as well.

I get the feeling on your way up to where ever you went to, you diddnt go into the light, you took out a maglight and found your own way in.

You inspired legions of people, and meeting you was a delight. Il never forget the Social engineering seminar you lead, and your book is one of the favourite on my shelf, you'l live on forever.

RIP Ninj.


[last edit 8/24/2005 3:45 AM by rz350 - edited 1 times]
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

Rest in peace Ninj.

Your site was the first UE related site I saw, and I spent hours and hours there reading information, and became hooked to this hobby.

Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The passing of both of the originals in UE, Pred and Ninj have left this community a place signifigantly smaller.

It is not the exploration that defined them, it is who they were as people. I would not have cared if they were explorers, they were just amazing people who both shared a higher understanding of life and used UE as just one expression of that.

The loss of Ninj leaves me questioning even my own place in UE. Wondering if there will be anyone else remotely like that again.

After reading Pred's book, I await Ninj's.
[last edit 8/24/2005 3:58 AM by Skaught - edited 1 times]
Shahre:'on Kaybec
Bonsoir et cest partie
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
wow, since i discovered his site back in 1998 ive been hooked, we had a few discussions back and forth, always a great guy, NINJ keep exploring wherever you are now
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