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Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As a very new member of the community I never met Ninj, but of course Infiltration was the first UE site I encountered; the site which made me realise that other people enjoyed similar things to me!

It's so sad to lose him at just 31. His family and friends have my deepest sympathies.

Sydney, Australia
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Vale Ninja

Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm not an explorer, but I wanted to express my deepest condolences to Liz, Jeff's family and the entire UE community. He was an amazing guy that I wished I'd talked with more often. At the same time, I'm so happy he was able to touch so many people's lives in such a positive way.

Here's to remembering him! http://www.livejournal.com/users/dronon/26247.html
Oxford, UK
Master of Illusion!!
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The only reason I discovered the world of Urban Exploration and UER was through his excellent website. A real legend.
Mellow Moderator
Florida... Again...
I fix things!
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My deepest sympathy for liz and jeff's family. I had never had the pleasure of meeting jeff but I truly thank him for introducing me to the UER community through his site. You will be missed.

Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
A lot of people, including me, saw Jeff as a kind of leader, but he wasn't the kind of leader who gives orders or struts around. He was the kind of leader who, through humble, serious work makes himself an example.

The essence of Jeff's personality, as it appeared to me, was this: He lived. We all tell ourselves again and again that life is short, that every moment is precious, that life is meant to be experienced fully, as an adventure. But Jeff actually lived that way. Most of us, basically, live at home. Jeff lived out there: He spent his free time exploring. Usually he was just exploring the city where he lived, the city of Toronto, but he went out with as much passion and determination for discovery that he would have brought to a hunt for El Dorado.

And not content merely to enjoy life, to live it fully, he made it his mission to share this enjoyment with others. He wasn't just having fun; he was teaching us how to have fun. That's what Infiltration was all about. A lot of urban explorers consider themselves part of an underground elite. They jealously conceal their activities, and look at newcomers with grim suspicion. Not Jeff. His message to would-be explorers was, join us. We're having fun, and we want you to have fun too.
[last edit 8/27/2005 8:21 PM by L.B .Deyo - edited 1 times]
Pacific Northwest
Retired explorer
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I too found out about urban exploration through infiltration. I enjoyed reading Jeff's zine and look forward to reading his book. I looked up to him and his amazing adventures. Best wishes to Liz and his family. Rest in peace Ninja.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As so many other explorers have mentioned, Ninj's 'Infiltration' website showed me that what I have been interested in for a number of years is an interest shared by a whole community of people - a community Ninjalicious had a major part in creating. Were it not for his website, I would never have found UER. RIP, Ninj - and thank you. You have diminished the loneliness within which I lived by a factor of... thousands. Liz, what a loss; I empathise with you and hope that you will be able to live happily with the memories of the deep love and the closeness you shared - a closeness many people never have the fortune to experience in much longer life-spans.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I didn't want to reply here, because it would be a repeat of what everyone has already said much better. But I thought I would add my sympathies when I saw that Ninj's family were reading. Add one more person to the list of those that never knew him, but were profoundly influenced by Ninj/Jeff and his writing and exploits, and wish strength and comfort to his friends and family.

Like many others, Infiltration was the first sign I had that I wasn't the only person with this weird obsession, and by halfway through my first issue (on swimming in hotels you aren't staying at) I was hooked.

It's becoming obvious he had a bigger impact on the subculture of Canada than many people may realize. Last night, reading The Original Canadian City-Dwellers Almanac by Hal Niedzviecki & company, I came across several mentions of Ninj and Infiltration.

And in today's Globe and Mail there was a small tribute in the Toronto section, for those interested:

Anyway, just wanted to add to the chorus of sympathy, and also to mention that I'm glad he was here as long as he was, and that he chose to share his talent and passion with the rest of us.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hello, everyone.

My interactions with tunnels have been myraid and enjoyable, but that's not why I'm here.

In 2002, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jeff as "Milky" and Liz as part of a documentary on bulletin board systems I was filming. In the beginning of production, I didn't know how much footage I was going to need, so the people in 2002 were interviewed for extended periods, with a lot of subjects covered.

Since releasing my DVD, I've been putting all the interview footage up on archive.org for free use. I go through the interview, remove any long pauses or "where do I sit" discussions, and then present the rest. (This cuts 1 hour tapes down to 30-50 minutes, on average.)

Upon hearing of Jeff's passing, I immediately put his and Liz's interview at the front of the line, and I have just put the first part (the first hour) up on archive.org for free download:


The documentary was never about UE, so that subject is never covered; instead, Jeff talks about an entire era preceding Infiltration, involving BBSes, as does Liz. The other two hours will go up shortly, but I thought people might want to hear some of Jeff's history from his own words.

By the way, in the "files" section is a .OGG of the audio of the interview, so feel free to listen instead of watch.
Durham Region
Someday is NOT a day of the week !
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Wow...Iam truely saddened by the news of Ninjalicious' passing. Family and friends, please accept my sincerest and heart felt condolences.I never had the pleasure of meeting but I have always enjoyed, admired and respected all work.
Iam going to miss your talent.

SF bay area
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
As urban as this post will seem. All I have to say is one thing while I shed a tear, and reach the bottom of my bottle.

Bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone, bone
Tell me what ya gonna do
where there ain't no where to run
when judgment comes for you,
when judgment comes for you?
What ya gonna do
where there ain't no where to hide
when judgment comes for you,
Cause it's gonna come for you
let's all bring it in for Wally
Eazy sees Uncle Charlie,
Little Boo, God's got him,
and I'm gonna miss everybody,
I done roll with flows my game, looked at him while he lay
When playing with destiny, play too deep for me to say,
Lil Lazy came to me told me if he should decease
well then please bury me by my Gran Gran and when you can come
God bless you workin on a plan to heaven
follow the Lord all 24/7 days
God is who we praise even though the devils all up in my face.
He keepin me safe and in my place
say grace to the gates we race,
but I change the face of judge,
then I guess my soul won't budge, grudge,
because there's no mercy for thugs,
ohhhhhh what can I do, it's all about a family and how we roll
Can I get a witness not enough fool
We livin our lives to eternal our souls ay o ayo...
Chorus 1:
Heeeeeeeey, and we pray, and we pray, and we pray, and we pray
Everyday, everyday everyday, everyday
And we pray, and we pray, and we pray, and we pray, and still we
still we lay, still we lay
Now follow me roll stroll whether it's hell or it's heaven
let's come take a visit of the people that's long gone they rest
Wally, Eazy, Terry, Boo
And still keepin up wit they family
Exactly how many days we got lastin while you laughin we passin'
passin' away
God rest our souls cause I know I might meet you up at the
Yall know ya forever got love from
Bone Thugs baby
Lil E-Z long gone,
really wish he could come home
But when it's time to die gotta go bye bye
all 'lil thug could do was cry, cry
Why'd they kill my dog?
Damn man I miss my Uncle Charles yall
he shouldn't be gone
in front of his home
what they did to Boo was wrong ohhhhhh (wrong, wrong)
was so wrong gotta hold on, gotta stay strong,
when the day come better believe Bone got a shoulder you can
lean on,
lean on
Repeat Chorus 1 (fade into main chorus)
And we pray, and we pray and we pray and we pray.

Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday...
And we pray, and we pray and we pray and we pray.
Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday...
See you at the crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
so you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
so you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
so you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
so you won't be lonely,
And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody
And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody
And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody
And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody
And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody
And I'm gonna miss everybody and I'm gonna miss everybody
Livin' in a hateful world,
sending me (straight to heaven)
that's how we roll
Livin' in a hateful world,
sending me (straight to heaven)
that's how we roll
Livin' in a hateful world,
sending me (straight to heaven)
that's how we roll
And I ask the good lord why,
he sigh, he told me we live to die
Whats up wit dat murder yall?
See my little ousin was hung
Somebody really wrong anybody wanna touch that star?
And Ms. Sleazy set up easy to fall
You know while we sinnin
He intindin on endin it when it ends
He comin again and again and again
now tell me what ya gonna do.
Can somebody anybody tell me why hey...
Can somebody anybody tell me why,
he died,
we die,
I don't wanna die........
(so wrongoo, so wrongoo, wrong)
See you at the crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads (crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely
See you at the crossroads(crossroads, crossroads)
So you won't be lonely.......

the great white north
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
They had a small but nice memorial to him in the Globe and Mail yesterday

Thanks for getting me into UE, Rest in Peace
Fredericton, New Brunswick
"I have clouded your mind so you cannot see me"
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Rest in peace Ninj. You were always and always will be an inspiration to me.
Rest in peace.

Wish I had got to meet him in person.

hope his family is ok.

Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Truly a loss for the community. May he rest in peace and may his legacy be carried on by those who respect him.

Resident Locksmith
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
41664.jpg (84 kb, 1600x1200)
click to view

From Saturday's Globe and Mail.

Farewell Jeff, you will always be with.
Liz and family, thinking of you, stay strong.
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: Infiltration Forums
what a shock!
he had to have been relatively young too
he did manage to leave the world a better place for having been here
Trash Intelligentsia
Re: Ninjalicious
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
/Nods in respect

Only knew Ninj as a net ghost and the words in his 'zine, but my heart says he's slipping past the fools at the gate in the most supreme video game moment and taking pics from the roof of the next big thing right about now.
Good travels, my friend.
Jacksonville, Florida
Crack Smokin' Parrot
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My sincerest thoughts and sympathies go out his family and friends. I never got a chance to meet him, but I enjoyed reading his "missions" on the infiltration site.

Rest in Peace, and may you explore the grandest abandonments where ever you are.
Toronto, ON
Re: Ninjalicious has passed away
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I wasn't lucky enough to meet Ninjalicious. I am really sorry for his loss though. He and Infiltration were 100% responsible for getting me into exploring. He will really be missed.
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