Posted by Thecurious I don't think it really matters that the place was already tagged to hell. Pretty much any form of vandalism is extremely frowned upon in this community, and the fact you purposely carried paint on you just to do that is a shiny example of who shouldn't really be here. Sure, it's small and harmless, but it's possible that habit will continue and then you'll become the rotten egg here.
both trespassing and misdemeanor-level graffiti can carry penalities of up to $1,000 dollars in fines and anywhere between 6 months to a year in county jail as per the California Penal Code. so my tagging isn't really small and harmless, it's about as big a deal as entering private property without permission, which I also did. but one of them is deemed appropriate by the community, and the other apparently isn't.
please don't try to lecture me on what you think the "right way" to explore is. they're both crimes. I don't know what weird set of rules you abide by where some offenses are okay and some are frowned upon but that's your set of rules, not mine.
if you don't like it then don't interact with me :3 if you wanna talk about who shouldn't really be here, it's probably the guy who combs UER looking for rookies to put down because they broke some arbitrary rule, not the one who paints cats on walls.