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Southern Virginia
First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hey everyone!
Yesterday I went to visit a certain abandoned winery near an airport in CA that i've explored before.

Unfortunately, they put up a camera pole that I didn't notice until the end. It had motion sensors and before we were able to get out of there, private security showed up. We hid for a bit, but we thought they left and we tried to get out. Unfortunately we all got caught and got kicked out. Was an interesting experience, but atleast the cops weren't called haha.

How was everyone else's first time getting caught?
largo, Florida 33771...
In Search Of Space
Re: First time getting caught
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Most of us don't get caught...
Don't be a Maxx
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Hawkwind
Most of us don't get caught...

Most of us don't explore anymore...

Last time I got caught, security saw yes ever a building, I didn't notice they saw us. We explored for hours.
Then, when we tried leaving, security was chilling at my car. Then the cops showed up. Wasn't fun, but we were just put on a list with a copy of our id and asked never to come back.
Fremont, CA (East Bay Area)
Male w/ Female Bits
Sometimes you just need to do something crazy to feel alive
Re: First time getting caught
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Glad for you that you didn't get the cops called on you!
Re: First time getting caught
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We were going to go on a trip down there last week, but it didn't work out. Maybe best. ;)
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I got caught a couple weeks ago. I made sure the coast was clear so I could jump a fence that had gone up around a downtown building. And on the other side was just a security guard sitting in a chair. He was very annoyed, but I was a foreigner and he didn't speak enough English, so he just opened up the gate and showed me out.

Here's the exact location on the outside. You can probably guess how I did it.
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
we got caught many years ago at the Secret Sidewalk and had a shotgun pointed at us by that old prick in the Jeep.
Las Vegas
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Got caught over in England just as we were heading underground. Cop was a bit of a jerk and the other was OK. They had their K9 dog there so it was a bit more intense. I guess first offense trespassing isn't a chargeable, so they chewed us out a bit and released us. My only run-in with the law.

Abby Normal
Los Angeles, CA
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RescueMe1060
we got caught many years ago at the Secret Sidewalk and had a shotgun pointed at us by that old prick in the Jeep.

Man, I only heard stories about that asshole growing up, never encountered him myself!
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
he was an angry fuck, wonder if he's still alive. ?
San Jose CA
www.divinedespai r.dot com
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've been caught three times. Twice with TRUE, once with Seedy. It's been a long time since any of those happened.
San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

Damn! haven't seen you post here in years!
San Jose CA
www.divinedespai r.dot com
Re: First time getting caught
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100% It's been a minute or two.
Huntington Beach, CA
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Never officially caught, but three times were spotted and chased by security. The guard in this shack gave chase after the flash went off . . . "I see you!"

Good times.
[last edit 6/28/2024 7:48 PM by snordhol - edited 1 times]
East Bay
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RescueMe1060
we got caught many years ago at the Secret Sidewalk and had a shotgun pointed at us by that old prick in the Jeep.

Woah seriously?? I've been there a couple times recently this year and wasn't bothered by anybody, although I did run into a homeless guy setting up camp in the trees but he wasn't hostile

San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
guy might not be alive anymore....this was close to a decade ago
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Last time I got caught? I recently got rolled up on by some pissed off farmer in some old military infrastructure. I told him I was taking pictures and he said he wouldn't call the cops if I deleted them while he watched before leaving. I complied and immediately restored all the pictures from my phone's trash as soon as I was off property lol.
Western parts of Los Angeles, California
I didn't see the sign, sir... yes, I do need new glasses.
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RescueMe1060
guy might not be alive anymore....this was close to a decade ago

I remember people telling stories about him in high school lol. IIRC he eventually dynamited/bulldozed a section of the sidewalk without permission
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've had a few run-ins with security at locations before. They are pretty chill up here in New England. Usually, if you explain yourself they don't care and sometimes will even let you keep walking around with them. Had that happen a couple of times.
Re: First time getting caught
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My closest call was a few years back, riding my custom drain bike in Ballona Creek , SoCal dirty city. On my way down that long concrete crucible before you get into the underground sections, a cop was sitting along the river, and chirped me with a spotlight, scared me enough to turn around for the the night(but not forever)!
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