Re: What exactly does subscribing to a province and/or country do?
< Reply # 2 on 2/28/2024 4:33 PM >
I swear Wisconsin had 82 when I first joined and now it has 84. Perhaps locations got demoted to a "demolished" or "repurposed" criteria and they showed up in my LDB since I'm a basic member. What does subbing do though?
[last edit 2/28/2024 4:38 PM by Anomalous - edited 1 times]
Re: What exactly does subscribing to a province and/or country do?
< Reply # 3 on 2/28/2024 4:43 PM >
I monitor WI regularly, and I am not seeing anything added recently. While some photos may have been added to an existing LDB entry, no new entries have been made since sometime in 2022 so I am not sure what alerts you are seeing. In fact, one was even removed at some point and WI entries went from 134 to 133. I have no clue what was removed, perhaps it was a duplicate....
In short, as a basic member, I assure you that you aren't missing much in the WI LDB. The overwhelming majority of the entries are demolished. For that matter, the entire LDB globally is similar in that. Folks just don't add to the LDB like they did when UER was created. There is really only a few people that still add, and of those many are added after demolition. Many of the existing are long out of date as well - I personally have updated the status to "demolished" of easily 300 LDB entries in just the last year. I promise no treasure trove of locations will be revealed once you are awarded FM.
Have a look - here is a list of every LDB entry I've updated. The LDB truly is not keeping tons of secrets....
In short, as a basic member, I assure you that you aren't missing much in the WI LDB. The overwhelming majority of the entries are demolished. For that matter, the entire LDB globally is similar in that. Folks just don't add to the LDB like they did when UER was created. There is really only a few people that still add, and of those many are added after demolition. Many of the existing are long out of date as well - I personally have updated the status to "demolished" of easily 300 LDB entries in just the last year. I promise no treasure trove of locations will be revealed once you are awarded FM.
Have a look - here is a list of every LDB entry I've updated. The LDB truly is not keeping tons of secrets....
Re: What exactly does subscribing to a province and/or country do?
< Reply # 4 on 2/28/2024 4:50 PM >
Further - I would bet that your basic member listing of 82 jumping to 84 is because I, or someone, recently changed the status of those 2 locations to demolished and henceforth, it was handed down to the basic member list. The FM list again stands at 133 for WI, down from 134 going back to 2022.....
Re: What exactly does subscribing to a province and/or country do?
< Reply # 5 on 2/28/2024 4:59 PM >
Yeah I didn't receive any notifications from the state. It must've been locations being demolished and people marking them as such, therefore increasing the number in which I can see. Or I'm just crazy, but I remember talking about the number in Wisconsin with a friend so I don't think that's the case. If/when I become a full member should I add locations? Or is there a reason to which people stopped and if I should just follow the crowd and not put up locations. Since there isn't all too many members in my area, I've been in contact with many of them including you, I had an urge to breathe a little life into the DB around here but I won't do so if it's not the right course of action. It's actually part of the reason I would like to become FM. Not to find locations per se, but to add them.
Re: What exactly does subscribing to a province and/or country do?
< Reply # 6 on 2/28/2024 5:22 PM >
To add or not to add is a decision only an individual can make. Everyone's take on it is opinion, do as you wish when the time comes. I think adding the the LDB decreased over the years after so many folks saw beloved locations trashed by dickwads. The majority of the folks who were super active on UER once upon a time now rarely log in, log in and say nothing, or just disappeared all together. That only got worse once social media explorers became a thing, and UER traffic skyrocketed. I regularly see 400+ users online here now, where 7-10 years ago, you almost never saw more than 100. As I write this, 381 people are online now. Arrogant asshat social media sacks have been through UER as well, so have vandals, arsonists, cops, property owners, thieves, "artists", etc. So if you love a location, I personally wouldn't share my pictures to any platform. I also don't see the point much anymore anyway - anyone can find just about any location anywhere just by browsing the socials. I don't think there is a single location in the LDB that is safe or protected by the shield of "FM" - sure - it may be safe here, but it is likely already been blasted all over the socials.
MHO, my $0.02.
MHO, my $0.02.
[last edit 2/28/2024 5:28 PM by fr00tCake - edited 1 times]
Re: What exactly does subscribing to a province and/or country do?
< Reply # 7 on 2/28/2024 9:04 PM >
That's kind of what I imagined to be the reason. Especially in the Midwest it seems. I've watched a few of these youtubers and found the exact position of half of their buildings within moments. So that's pretty scary since anyone could just read a document in the video and see the city and then judge the surroundings.
I'll definitely take that advice into action. In fact I already have. Some friends even ask me where I explore some of these places and I don't even tell them unless they are super close and trusted or in my explorer group. So if it's a place I like, I'm keeping that secret for sure. But if it's something like a cave or drain entrance or something simple I might, I'll see.
I'll definitely take that advice into action. In fact I already have. Some friends even ask me where I explore some of these places and I don't even tell them unless they are super close and trusted or in my explorer group. So if it's a place I like, I'm keeping that secret for sure. But if it's something like a cave or drain entrance or something simple I might, I'll see.
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