How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So I've been driving around and I've found/traded for a fair few of abandoned locations. The problem is I can't find any place that isn't full of graffiti or in any decent condition. I have tried searching online for help, and have tried railroads, but my city/ones within the radius of 50 miles don't have many railroads and if they do they run close to residential so there are no abandoned places.

That being said, I have found a few untouched places but they're just.. empty. It's no fun to be in a warehouse that's just empty or a house with no furniture. I like taking pictures of vintage things, and I just can't seem to find anything of that sort nearby?

Are there any tips y'all recommend to find areas UNTOUCHED? I feel like these untouched places would have lots of security and be hard to get to/into, which is why they're untouched in the first place which is pretty demotivating to me.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Untouched places are most likely to be sites that others don't know about. So if others know about them and you're "trading" sites with these people, they probably won't be that pristine. The best thing is to keep looking for new sites on your own.
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
yes, but how can I find those places?
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by alu_card
So I've been driving around and I've found...a fair few of abandoned locations.

Oxford, UK
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by alu_card
yes, but how can I find those places?

The sort of places you're asking about aren't the kind you're going to easily find online because if they were easily findable other people would have likely found them.

It's entirely down to dumb luck. Check everything you find and eventually you might discover something that is truly untouched and awesome.
Central Va
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
A lot of the places you're looking for might not even look abandoned at all, hence why they aren't covered in graffiti. Take a closer look at everything, develop an eye for little things that might point towards abandonment. Look on active properties for disused parts. It just takes time. If you're only looking in a 50 mile radius you may not find anything. In my town, there are like 3 abandoned buildings and all are covered in graffiti with nothing cool to look at.
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I hate to tell you this, but, to find UNTOUCHED places, you'll need to invest some time and do some research. Read the news, study historical records, read old travel magazines... Learn about the history of your area. There are literally a million ways to find undiscovered, unknown spots, but you have to invest some patience and time.
San Antonio, TX
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Recently, I've begun stumbling upon untouched places; as Ryanpics said, it's all about developing an eye. Driving around and keeping an eye out when in areas you don't normally traffic is the key. Always keep your eyes peeled for the little signs. Middle of the day and no one is there probably means it's abandoned or close to. Contrary to what Steed said, my best and most untouched soot was traded to me. While that is not a normal thing it can happen.
Quad Cities / Chicago
sleepy zzz
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The only few untouched areas I’ve found are in the middle of no where, and that I’ve found on my own. Farms tend to be pretty empty with little graffiti if you’re up to drive around for a while looking for an actual abandoned farm and not some run-down, but still in use, shed haha. Besides that, my last thoughts are just to try and find some on your own, as almost everything posted online will have some amount of damage
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The only truly untouched sites I've seen were abandoned houses in small towns.
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Aside from actual research (entering an address into Google Maps isn’t research) the best way to do it is to find spots that you can’t get into, do the research and find the owner, show a portfolio of pics and ask to get permission to shoot his property. I sort of got out of the urbex game in 2019, but I have gotten into a free properties and documented them with permission. Aside from being a legal way to explore I have seen some mostly untouched places. I always offer copies of my better shots to the property owners for their records and insurance purposes and going this route has allowed me to network with other owners.
[last edit 3/5/2024 12:31 AM by neiloffthegrid - edited 1 times]
Burlington VT
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
first the answer is more hard work and pounding pavement/ research.

second answer is take more risks.

sleep in you car more, directly it's not the answer but it comes with the territory.

explorers finding untouched places are often at the top of their game.

realize you are playing a real life game of cat and mouse. take some chances. ask for forgiveness ( remember you will not be unlawfully detained and run )

Have fun.

The Great North, Ontario
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The best luck I've had is driving by lakes deep in forests. There is usually old cottages and houses along those. Old logging roads etc. I'm up north of Toronto in the country and found the best this way. Less and less old time capsules though as they themselves are getting so old they're just collapsing from rot.
Las Vegas
Re: How to find UNTOUCHED areas?
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by secretdestroyers
first the answer is more hard work and pounding pavement/ research.

second answer is take more risks.

sleep in you car more, directly it's not the answer but it comes with the territory.

explorers finding untouched places are often at the top of their game.

realize you are playing a real life game of cat and mouse. take some chances. ask for forgiveness ( remember you will not be unlawfully detained and run )

Have fun.

Bingo! My friend and I spent years exploring one specific huge old mine (reportedly in excess of 60 miles of workings). After a lot of trips there we started to develop a mental 3D map in our heads. We could tell where certain areas should be, even if they aren't currently accessible. That led us to some amazing discoveries. Hard work and risk in equal measures got us there. My exploring partner is an absolute legend, and we have gone places that no one else has been able to get to. We already know there is more to find because we found a ladder into an area that is otherwise completely cut off by collapses closer to the surface. At least 3 hours just to get to the base of that ladder. If we don't go back, it may never be explored.

They are out there, but they are rare.

Abby Normal

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