Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Lost Command of the Secret Police
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Next up on my New England trip was a stop at a little-known derelict police department headquarters. Despite its proximity to several major urban areas and long period of abandonment, there was very little graffiti to tarnish the natural decay.

Curiously, it was also a near-complete black hole of information. No matter how deeply I dug I found almost nothing online about this place. The only source I could find that even acknowledged its existence at all was a single line in a lone archived news article that stated that the precinct moved from this location to a new building in the early 2000s. Even property tax records were unhelpful and vague.

This was especially confusing because it was not only a police headquarters, but also a courthouse and Civil Defense office. I expected there to be something online about it but even with pieces of information (presiding judges, commissioner names, etc) that would normally lead to a breakthrough, I found myself unable to find any history about this place. If I hadn't set foot in it myself I'd almost doubt this police station even existed at all.

[last edit 1/8/2024 6:33 AM by Aran - edited 2 times]
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Lost Command of the Secret Police
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Were those cars abandoned or just parked there?
Re: Lost Command of the Secret Police
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
what an absolute gem!
Re: Lost Command of the Secret Police
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Those iron bars and holding cells are gnarly! Love how the paint peeling off them makes them so messy, but they stay so recognizable at the same time. Nice set, the decay is incredible.
Oxford, UK
Re: Lost Command of the Secret Police
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
That decay is insane, I love it.
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Lost Command of the Secret Police
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

Thanks folks! The cars were all abandoned. In decent shape, but they were all dusty with several flat tires and tags a decade out of date.

There were two jail cell rooms, a men's and a woman's. I had a hard time lighting up the space with the lights I had but these turned out well enough to post. The decay was almost completely pristine!
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