Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum

I recently got into urbanex, with my first spot being just a month ago at an abandoned air force base near Mather. Since then, I got some new gear in hopes of trying to hit as many spots as I can in the very near future. The big issue, of course, is I just simply don't really know any spots nearby. If any of you are comfortable sharing the details of any spot you know of in NorCal, feel free to PM me or reply to this post - I'd greatly appreciate it!


Also, here are some pics I took from the abandoned base:

Las Vegas area
When in danger, when in doubt, RUN IN CIRCLES, SCREAM AND SHOUT!
Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
You hit the old Mather AFB Weapons Storage Area annex, but there's the former Mather AFB itself, as-well as the former McClellan AFB, the old US Army Strategic Communications Command West Coast Relay Station near Davis (with an old USAF NORAD 'BOMARC' missile annex nearby.

A cool site hat I don't think has been documented since it's closure about a decade ago is the old USCG LORAN Station near Middletown, which started off it's existence as the HF Receive Annex for the Army STRATCOM facility near Davis.


It's accessed via a long, winding little road taking you by some pretty nice ranch houses, etc, so EYES WILL LIKELY BE ON YOU, but I believe it's a public road. Likely a closed gate at the start of the old USCG property, though the buildings will be obscured by trees. I'd suggest having a bicycle or I suppose a skateboard. The antenna is likely down by now, otherwise it makes a nice navigational aid to home-in on.

Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Kaiju

I recently got into urbanex, with my first spot being just a month ago at an abandoned air force base near Mather. Since then, I got some new gear in hopes of trying to hit as many spots as I can in the very near future. The big issue, of course, is I just simply don't really know any spots nearby. If any of you are comfortable sharing the details of any spot you know of in NorCal, feel free to PM me or reply to this post - I'd greatly appreciate it!


Also, here are some pics I took from the abandoned base:[/eimg]

Kaiju, There are many of us who began exploring before YouTube, IG, TikTok, existed. There's some of us that started even before the Internet (some of us are sooooo old!)
Please take 5 minutes out of your day to do some actual research. The internet is full of historic information about your area.
Hooligan has been nice enough to give you some really key info to start, and I guarantee Hooli spent hours if not weeks researching multiple resources for some of his explorations.

Your pictures are great! Invest some time into finding spots man.
Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thank you so damn much Hooligan for the info, and for the advice, OnlyFootprints! I'll be sure to do a ton more research. Cheers!
Just south of that one place.
Save Therrin!
Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Kaiju
If any of you are comfortable sharing the details of any spot you know of in NorCal, feel free to PM me or reply to this post - I'd greatly appreciate it!

Hey! Another Nor-Cal explorer here. Been to this same facility, as well as a BUNCH of cool places in Nor-Cal and Oregon. I live up in the Cameron Park area, but have traveled all over to some cool places (with people on this forum years ago) Just recently remembered my login, and so glad to see this community is still active!

Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by /-/ooligan
A cool site hat I don't think has been documented since it's closure about a decade ago is the old USCG LORAN Station near Middletown, which started off it's existence as the HF Receive Annex for the Army STRATCOM facility near Davis.


It's accessed via a long, winding little road taking you by some pretty nice ranch houses, etc, so EYES WILL LIKELY BE ON YOU, but I believe it's a public road. Likely a closed gate at the start of the old USCG property, though the buildings will be obscured by trees. I'd suggest having a bicycle or I suppose a skateboard. The antenna is likely down by now, otherwise it makes a nice navigational aid to home-in on.


I read about it somewhere. I would have thought here, but it's not in the DB. The way the parking lot is overgrown makes it look really inviting, but it's a f*ck-long drive up there if you don't have other plans in the neighborhood.

Konocti Harbor Inn was abandoned for many years but is now trying to make a comeback.
Las Vegas area
When in danger, when in doubt, RUN IN CIRCLES, SCREAM AND SHOUT!
Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by FastEddy

I read about it somewhere. I would have thought here, but it's not in the DB. The way the parking lot is overgrown makes it look really inviting, but it's a f*ck-long drive up there if you don't have other plans in the neighborhood.

I've probably posted about it in the past, because I'm anxious for someone to get there & document it. It's probably not in the DB, because it's likely no one has been to it yet, meaning I/we are still eagerly awaiting some intrepid explorer to get there...


Re: Spots near Sacramento? + Abandoned Air Force Base
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Does anyone know if there are still the old apartments near McClellan. They were relatively clean last time I went..which was a long time ago. Most had all the furniture inside still
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