Toronto, Canada
Chemical lab near SF
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
My friends and I visited an abandoned chemical lab near San Francisco not long ago. This place has been effectively leaked to the public so I am sure it will be familiar to people here. It is graffitied to hell and back but still manages to be somewhat interesting. I could have sworn there was a thread here about this location, but I can't find it anymore. Please link it if it's still around.

Anyone trying to enter will be interested to know that it's still there and that there was security on site. This prevented us from entering the greenhouses.

There were no notable hazards apparent. The lab is variously said to have been a pharmaceutical facility or a biomedical startup incubator (per the UER post), and apparently it is still radioactive. I don't know what to make of this last claim. There was a normal amount of radiation warnings.

There are way better visuals of it online, but, still, here is a photo album:
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Chemical lab near SF
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Very cool! I've always loved abandoned laboratories- partially out of professional interest and partially just for the mad scientist vibes they tend to have.
Toronto, Canada
Re: Chemical lab near SF
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Aran
Very cool! I've always loved abandoned laboratories- partially out of professional interest and partially just for the mad scientist vibes they tend to have.

If you like the mad scientist vibes, you'd have loved the Gromashevsky lab in Kyiv, which is unfortunately long repurposed (I was lucky to be there in time for it):

- General description: https://go2.kiev.u...opment-laboratory/
- Urbex report, needs to be run through a translator and images are broken for me unless you open them in new tabs:
[last edit 12/27/2023 3:16 AM by rakeman - edited 1 times]
Fremont, CA (East Bay Area)
Male w/ Female Bits
Sometimes you just need to do something crazy to feel alive
Re: Chemical lab near SF
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ah man, jealous of Gromashevsky

Man tho - I really wish people wouldn't just tag things
Graffiti art ...sure I guess??, but just putting your name is so boring and ugly
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