How to deal with squatters/other people
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I am new to this website, and I have yet to go to any abandoned places, but I'm wondering how I should deal with squatters or other people. I plan on always being with a few friends, so safety wise we should be fine, but if we encounter people should we just leave? Or should we keep exploring? What's the best way to go if I get into a situation like this?
Quad Cities / Chicago
sleepy zzz
Re: How to deal with squatters/other people
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
The few times i’ve ran into squatters I usually just leave, as it’s best to not bother them, and try again another time. Otherwise, if you didn’t want to leave right away, I would just explore the opposite area of the building. The few times i’ve ran into squatters they’ve never done anything and have just looked at me weirdly lol, so I wouldn’t stress to much about it, but better be safe than sorry
Denver, Colorado
Re: How to deal with squatters/other people
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
IMo it depends on location. I went up to a place today and it was occupied, generator running and everything. I let myself be known, at the very least, I don't want a homeless person waking up startled and pulling out a gun or something, thinking i'm there to steal. I didn't get to have a conversation, (I transmitted myself through where I perceived them to be) I simply stated that i'm just there to look around, explore, and I won't touch any of their stuff. From my experience, certain homeless people can be very territorial, especially if they've devoted resources to tidying a place up. Thankfully I didn't have any issues today. I'd say, if you're not as charismatic, just try and stealth through it. Minimal noise and activity. Best of luck!
[last edit 1/14/2024 1:57 AM by Lee Macij - edited 1 times]
god gives his most schizophrenic trespassers his most uncanny bando noises
Re: How to deal with squatters/other people
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by dman1hunnid
I am new to this website, and I have yet to go to any abandoned places, but I'm wondering how I should deal with squatters or other people. I plan on always being with a few friends, so safety wise we should be fine, but if we encounter people should we just leave? Or should we keep exploring? What's the best way to go if I get into a situation like this?

Usually if I am in a building that is either likely to be squatted (usually any type of housing, including church rectories is where you'll often find people), or looks like its being squatted, I'll announce myself, saw I'm just passing through, and that I'll leave if they'd like. If I open a door and see a living space, I'll leave it be and keep moving. If you're not a smoker already, I'd recommend bringing around a pack of cigarettes with you to offer one to anyone you may find living inside. That saved me from getting my head bashed in with a baseball bat over the summer, and it never fails to immediately get you on the side of almost anyone living inside. Check your corners, never box yourself in, and always leave a quick way out if possible. I've had to run out of buildings on way too many occasions this year when my calls remained unanswered despite continued loud noises, walking, or worse, running. Also remember that squatters are people too, they have lives, needs, wants, dreams, and feel everything you feel, they just got dealt a shit hand at the wrong table. Same could happen to you, so be respectful, you're already intruding on their space.

As for other people in general, if you are somewhere with any measure of security presence, and there seems to be no signs of someone living there, I'd lay low. Let them announce their presence to you, often they'll do it without knowing and will reveal a lot about themselves and their intentions in the building by their conversations, walking pace, and general cadence or attitude. I usually like to wait til I can see them before I say anything myself. If they seem to be scrappers, I'll either leave em be, as usually they'll ignore you if you ignore them. If they see you, its usually a good idea to let them know you're just looking around and that you'll leave them to their work. If they are other explorers, I'll go up, strike a conversation and then carry on. If its an owner or worker, and the conversation is unavoidable, nothing works better than walking up to em, throwing a warm and enthusiastic smile, saying Hi and offering up a firm handshake, and explain your fascination and enjoyment with the building. Only saying "oh I'm just taking photos" is overplayed and they will most likely just assume you're doing it for social media and get pissed, but leading with your personal appreciation for their property is a good idea. I've only been caught red handed twice, both by property owners, and both offered to let me come back and take more photos any time. Most situations can be solved with a firm handshake and a polite discussion. And if things go south, well that's what running is for. Don't try and run from cops though if they've already seen ya though. That only spells getting tackled or shot.
Re: How to deal with squatters/other people
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thanks for the advice

Re: How to deal with squatters/other people
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Step 1- assess the demographic of the location. Is it in an area known for high crime, gang activity, rampant homeless drug abuse etc If so, avoid that spot unless you feel very confident in maintaining your safety despite inevitable confrontations

Is it more rural, less known, or in an area that is generally less of a hot spot? Proceed with caution- While violent criminals and drugged out opportunists may not be on the radar, more low key spots can still have transients, and scrappers.

Step 2- Trust your spidey senses- If someone feels off, or you see red flags in terms of behavior or demeanor (or even see sketchy things they may be carrying) Leave.

If they seem chill, proceed with caution and be aware and have an exit plan.

If I'm in a hot spot and hear people or come across people (I'm usually pretty good at staying undiscovered) I acknowledge them, make eye contact, and always pretend I am not interested in them or what they are doing.

Example- Exploring an old military base where a couple of transients had set up a full on house, kitchen, bedrooms- I actually announced myself, asked if I could explore the spot. They were super cool, showed me around their "home" and gave me some POE for a couple spots that ended up being pretty epic.

On the flip side, I was exploring an old mall/sears in LA right in the heart of Hollywood , came across someones camp in one of the rooms, but got a super bad feeling about it. I stayed quiet, and snuck out, turned back just as I was about to duck out of the POE and saw some cholo dude with tats on his face staring at me from the hole I just came out of with a knife or a pipe in his hand. He must have been hiding in the walls.

Hope that's helpful.

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