San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Costa Rica - Cave of Death. Example of bad air in drains & caves
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I saw a variation of this video posted on Reddit this morning and its been trending all day.

I think its a great visual example of what running in to a pocket of bad air inside of a cave, mine, mineshaft, drain, culvert etc would look like and how fast it could change your life.


just a few usernames I could think of that this may be of interest to.

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Costa Rica - Cave of Death. Example of bad air in drains & caves
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by RescueMe1060

just a few usernames I could think of that this may be of interest to.

Interesting video but it's cute you think UER works this way that you can tag people.
Garlic Bread
Re: Costa Rica - Cave of Death. Example of bad air in drains & caves
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

Interesting video but it's cute you think UER works this way that you can tag people.

I got the notification from his tag
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Costa Rica - Cave of Death. Example of bad air in drains & caves
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Kabes

I got the notification from his tag

Really? That's a thing? I had no idea.

San Francisco
Radioactivity, its in the air for you & me
Re: Costa Rica - Cave of Death. Example of bad air in drains & caves
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I know it doesn't tag them with a notification its more to show I was posting for their consideration if and when they see the thread.
Garlic Bread
Re: Costa Rica - Cave of Death. Example of bad air in drains & caves
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed

Really? That's a thing? I had no idea.


Joking haha
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