Reno, NV
Abandoned Boy Scout Camp in Northern Nevada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi all, I wanted to share a cool find I stumbled across.

I found what is left of a very abandoned boy scout camp in Northern Nevada. Doing some digging I could find almost nothing on the back story of this place other than a thread saying it used to have a different name than it does now. That being said (as far as I could research) the location is still technically owned by The Boy Scouts of America, but they have not paid the property taxes on the location in some time. The earliest source of abandoned photos of the place I have found date back to 2010 where it looked nearly perfect (not sure if due to recent abandonment or rather being unknown) nowadays it looks pretty beat up. If anyone else has explored here and has photos I would love to see them. Also if anyone was in the Boy Scouts, or had been to this location while it was still active, I was never in it so would love to know any insight on this location if you had any. Thanks!!

Overview shot of the location.
Abandoned Boy Scout Camp by Toba Colwyn, on Flickr

Inside of one of the bunk houses.

Another inside shot of bunk areas.

What to the best of my ability can assume is a kitchen area?

A cool mural/graffiti that someone had made at one point.
Las Vegas area
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Re: Abandoned Boy Scout Camp in Northern Nevada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Beautiful now, and probably wonderful back in the day at a Boy Scout camp.

Have you tried using Google Earth, etc. to identify use over the decades?

Obviously it's rural, but whatever locals that are in the area would know about it. The body of water looks like a small, human-made pond but if it's actually a big pond or lake, any fishing/bait shops in the vicinity may be familiar with the history, as may state or federal wildlife rangers, etc. Boy Scout alumni Associations may have lots of members who attended that camp as kids.

Garlic Bread
Re: Abandoned Boy Scout Camp in Northern Nevada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by /-/ooligan
Beautiful now, and probably wonderful back in the day at a Boy Scout camp.

Have you tried using Google Earth, etc. to identify use over the decades?

Obviously it's rural, but whatever locals that are in the area would know about it. The body of water looks like a small, human-made pond but if it's actually a big pond or lake, any fishing/bait shops in the vicinity may be familiar with the history, as may state or federal wildlife rangers, etc. Boy Scout alumni Associations may have lots of members who attended that camp as kids.

Do you just download old Google earth for that?

Reno, NV
Re: Abandoned Boy Scout Camp in Northern Nevada
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Google earth was super smart. Old sat views are too hard to make any details out but the lake exists as far back as 1985(beginning of sat view for area) and I can make out buildings as far back as 2002. Based on the location of the pond, I honestly am not sure of if it is natural, but it seasonally fills naturally and then dries out, so it would be unlikely that much life lives within it outside of algae.

There is a small town very close to this (with a cool abandoned building, that is too close to the police station for me to be brave enough to explore), could be a good idea to stop by the local bar and ask around if any of them went to or know about the camp from their childhood. Through more online digging I believe I found the original name of the camp, but cant find any BSA records posted online of the place, maybe because I have the wrong name, or maybe I the place closed before the internet. Either way, asking around would be a good idea.
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