My account is finally old enough to reply!
Thanks all for being so welcoming to my friend and I! Absolutely amazing first event. Glad we could finally meet some bayarea urbex legends, and hope to explore with you folks again in the future!
Learned that I definitely need better gear than dishwashing gloves, an allergy mask, and my phone flashlight
Thanks TRUE for organizing this, thanks Kabes for helping us break the ice, and thanks everyone else for making this unforgettable!
Thanks all for being so welcoming to my friend and I! Absolutely amazing first event. Glad we could finally meet some bayarea urbex legends, and hope to explore with you folks again in the future!
Learned that I definitely need better gear than dishwashing gloves, an allergy mask, and my phone flashlight
Thanks TRUE for organizing this, thanks Kabes for helping us break the ice, and thanks everyone else for making this unforgettable!
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