Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This is a Colorado no brainer but, the Longmont Sugar Mill is a cool spot to explore. its also a good beginner location in my opinion. easy to get in, chill spot. Id recommend going during the day because there is a decent amount of holes in the floor that you could easily fall threw.

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449862.jpg (91 kb, 1244x2208)
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Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Good to hear it's open again! Last I heard (a year ago) it was sealed up pretty tight with a lot of barbed wire, so I'm glad that's changed.
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's interesting to see how similar it looks to the Sugar factory I visited up in Idaho. Same situation with the floors.

Any cool office space left there, or all pure metal and stone factory?
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Just went here a week ago, had a blast exploring the two largest buildings closest to the railroad tracks (excluding the silos unfortunately) and got to see the roofs of both. The massive furnace room has graffiti on the outside of the smokestack on the roof, I can't imagine how people felt walking over to that...
I'd avoid the southernmost rooms, someone seems to be living there.
To answer Mossybread, there are some empty rooms with lab tables and cabinets/desks but they've been thoroughly wrecked. Photos attatched:
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renowned tweaker
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This place is super close to where I'm at & I've been meaning to go for a while. Good to know there's people there - that shit always catches me so off guard
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Didn't know police activity died down, definitely going to check it out sometime.
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
One of my first and favorite spots. Fair warning though, this place is falling apart. One particularly rainy night several years ago, a section of roof collapsed about 20 feet away from where I was standing. You can actually see where it collapsed on google maps, south-west side of the north building. So be careful and don't assume anything is stable.

Also, check out the tunnel if you haven't. One of my favorite spots at this site.
human world
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheReaper42

Also, check out the tunnel if you haven't. One of my favorite spots at this site.

the tunnel is unfortunately welded shut at the mill access point last i checked. however you can still get to the tunnel via the nearby creek
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by BloodBoss

the tunnel is unfortunately welded shut at the mill access point last i checked. however you can still get to the tunnel via the nearby creek

Damn, that's a shame. Here's the only half-decent pics I have of down there from like 6 years ago (has it really been that long?). I'll have to check out the other entrance one of these days.

human world
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by TheReaper42

Damn, that's a shame. Here's the only half-decent pics I have of down there from like 6 years ago (has it really been that long?). I'll have to check out the other entrance one of these days.

Here is a shot i took down there over ten years ago.
[last edit 12/9/2024 8:18 AM by BloodBoss - edited 1 times]
I'll bite your face off
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've been to the Longmont sugar mill quite a few times. In August it was caught on fire and now they have it locked up and guarded. Really sad, it's a beautiful spot and was easy for beginners.

(aka: foxworthboxworth)
admirer from a distance
Re: Longmont Sugar Mill
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I actually happened to swing by and get pictures of the exterior pretty much right after the fire happened. Had no idea about it 'til I got home and read that article, so that was a fun little coincidence.

Not sure who "lime" is, but general opinion doesn't seem very positive.

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