San Antonio TX
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I'm a little new to posting on here, but what's the stigma around railroad tracks? I tend to find alot of cool stuff walking along tracks, sometimes locations and sometimes interesting photography. But is it really interesting enough to post around here? Also is there a stigma against railyards or active locations in general? I'll appreciate any tips.
[last edit 10/14/2022 8:48 AM by Mr.Santos - edited 1 times]
Kansas City
Huh. I guess covid made me a trendsetter.
Re: Railroads
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Following railroad tracks is a time honored and often recommended way to find abandoned spots. Generally speaking though, while you probably won't catch flak for it you also won't find as much interest in active railyards here, as this forum primarily concerns itself with abandoned buildings.
Dallas, Texas
serenity now, insanity later
Re: Railroads
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Railfan here, really good stuff in Fort Worth and at one time there was an access to the old santa fe tunnels which has been sealed off. The tunnel entrance now is impossible to access. There are some abandoned terminals also out north east with some derelict equipment. Best thing to do is follow some tracks on google maps, the most interesting places are off subs where most of the intermodal access is so you're bound to find some abandoned places too.
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