I saw this place a while back; I thought it was impossible to get in, and even if I could get in, there were bound to be cameras everywhere. Nope definitely explorable, secret way in, cameras only on a few floors, but there is one major thing. Apparently Police dogs are trained in the basement. So, good find, building was massive and still had some awesome stuff in it. DM me if you want to check it out(central CO).
Posted by Ulysses The Unorthodox I saw this place a while back; I thought it was impossible to get in, and even if I could get in, there were bound to be cameras everywhere. Nope definitely explorable, secret way in, cameras only on a few floors, but there is one major thing. Apparently Police dogs are trained in the basement. So, good find, building was massive and still had some awesome stuff in it. DM me if you want to check it out(central CO). |
definitely not a cop?
Posted by Aran Hey, can you not name drop this until it's demolished? It's already being scrapped enough as it is, no need to contribute to blowing the spot. |
Yeah, scrappers have always owned the place; most of them will ignore you, but I've encountered a few more violent ones. I always shout, "Hey!" for good measure when I hear one; maybe that'll get rid of them lol.
Posted by Ulysses The Unorthodox Yeah, scrappers have always owned the place; most of them will ignore you, but I've encountered a few more violent ones. I always shout, "Hey!" for good measure when I hear one; maybe that'll get rid of them lol. |
More like they'd get rid of you. I talked to the old foreman of the work crews a few months back and his workers were getting by jumped and robbed by scrappers in broad daylight inside. That foreman always had a lead pipe close at hand to deter them.
Posted by Aran More like they'd get rid of you. I talked to the old foreman of the work crews a few months back and his workers were getting by jumped and robbed by scrappers in broad daylight inside. That foreman always had a lead pipe close at hand to deter them. |
Nice. I guess we do what we can.
Me and a friend went here in mid-July or maybe August. I pussied out after like 10 minutes bc the spot seemed cooky. More entrances were boarded up from the last time she came but there were still easy access points from weaker mesh boards. We didn't see anyone when we went and I dont think she'd ever seen anyone else there.
I haven't lived in Denver in a couple of years, but if I'm not confused about the place, I must have spent the first ~20 years of my life passing by that place. I used to take the number 10 bus, and depending on which one it would stop there and turn around.
I remember parts of the hospital were always inactive and I snuck in once. Another time I visited an active part of the hospital to speak to a sleep studies specialist for a high school assignment. Another time I came back to do parkour. Haven't thought of this place in years, this post really takes me back.
I remember parts of the hospital were always inactive and I snuck in once. Another time I visited an active part of the hospital to speak to a sleep studies specialist for a high school assignment. Another time I came back to do parkour. Haven't thought of this place in years, this post really takes me back.
The place is the subject of a constant arms race between security and scrappers. We're talking 360 degree cameras, alarms, frequent patrols by federal law enforcement (VA Police), the whole nine yards. Security surrounded the whole place with an electrified fence at one point, and scrappers scrapped the fence. It's actually absurd.
Posted by Aran The place is the subject of a constant arms race between security and scrappers. We're talking 360 degree cameras, alarms, frequent patrols by federal law enforcement (VA Police), the whole nine yards. Security surrounded the whole place with an electrified fence at one point, and scrappers scrapped the fence. It's actually absurd. |
Yeah this place is an actual war zone now. Tried to go in during daytime to dodge nightly patrols, and was met by a chase all the way to colo blvd. I would not recommend even trying anymore; the owner actually cares about the project now.
I have successfully got into the Rose VA back in July! It was actually ridiculously hard. Security, fences, cameras. We were eventually got by security and escorted out. They gave us a warning and told us not to come back. They even shared some scary stories with us.
I don't recommend going. It's really hard to get in, I've heard bad stories about the place, and it genuinely was an evil place. It has some really bad history. Heres a photo:
I don't recommend going. It's really hard to get in, I've heard bad stories about the place, and it genuinely was an evil place. It has some really bad history. Heres a photo:

Not surprised, that place has some history to it for sure. It was actually the subject of a full-blown congressional investigation when it opened for going ridiculously over-budget, and it was part of a nationwide scandal right before it closed in which the VA was lying about their wait list times to make themselves look better while veterans were dying of preventable issues waiting on treatment.
Myself and a few other explorers got in back in 2022 by talking to the foreman of the construction crew there at the time, and he had some stories. Apparently none of the workers would wander the building alone because scrappers were beating and robbing them in broad daylight, and at one point the foreman actually popped around the corner at us with a lead pipe before he recognized us as the explorers he let in earlier. That construction company actually lost their bid and got fired for being unable to keep trespassers out, so talking your way in sadly isn't viable anymore.
Posted by Aran Not surprised, that place has some history to it for sure. It was actually the subject of a full-blown congressional investigation when it opened for going ridiculously over-budget, and it was part of a nationwide scandal right before it closed in which the VA was lying about their wait list times to make themselves look better while veterans were dying of preventable issues waiting on treatment. Myself and a few other explorers got in back in 2022 by talking to the foreman of the construction crew there at the time, and he had some stories. Apparently none of the workers would wander the building alone because scrappers were beating and robbing them in broad daylight, and at one point the foreman actually popped around the corner at us with a lead pipe before he recognized us as the explorers he let in earlier. That construction company actually lost their bid and got fired for being unable to keep trespassers out, so talking your way in sadly isn't viable anymore. |
That's so interesting! Thank you for sharing. Do you know future plans on the place?
We had heard the homeless had been attacking people and a few dead bodies were found. Security actually caught us, but even they were saying how dangerous it is and how they still had to clear the building because we weren't the only people in there! Security actually kind of got lost escorting us out. We were let off with a warning and they took our pictures. I never want to go back.
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