Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Explored this back in June 2022

[last edit 9/27/2022 4:01 AM by Avatar-X - edited 1 times]
Toronto, ON
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Uhhhhh, what. This is wicked
Durham Region
Someday is NOT a day of the week !
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
^^what he said

Jaw dropped and swaying!!
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
oh wow, pricey locale. Really cool
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It's so insane that in a city like Toronto, especially in an area like the bridal path, that a mansion would just be left abandoned. one would think it would be bought and remodeled or redeveloped.

Toronto, Ontario
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Sweet pics! I got the chance to explore this same spot in June/July as well. So many interesting rooms, most of which are untouched luckily. I drove past that spot just last month and noticed they added a bunch of new cameras and what looks like an alarm. Unfortunate that it was so short-lived, I didn't get many great pics and was hoping to go back. Glad you got to check it out!
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've driven through here way more during covidtimes than before and I'm amazed at how many houses are either under renovation or being demolished. It feels like the area is 20% occupied and the rest is all workers...and this.
Re: Abandoned Bridle Path Mansion
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I've driven through here way more during covidtimes than before and I'm amazed at how many houses are either under renovation or being demolished. It feels like the area is 20% occupied and the rest is all workers...and this.
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