new york
Abandoned Tudor Homes
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
These homes were posted in my city's reddit page and I'd thought I would take a venture over and photograph them. They were built in the 1930's and then more recently used for student housing for the nearby colleges. I don't believe they have been occupied for about 18-19 years. From what I read the owner is waiting in hopes the property value goes up.

I believe these are what the homes looked like from the 30's

Long Island, New York
Re: Abandoned Tudor Homes
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Beautiful homes, like something from a fairy tale. Hope they get a second life.
Re: Abandoned Tudor Homes
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Usually I am not a fan of house, but THIS ONE, omg that's awesome. thank you for sharing
Re: Abandoned Tudor Homes
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Nice. Love Tudor style.
Re: Abandoned Tudor Homes
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Amazing homes here, I just love this style of architecture. The moss growing over the front just adds to the beauty, I love it. Part of me hopes that this house gets a second chance some time in the future. As much as I enjoy abandoned places, a house this beautiful deserves someone taking care of it.
Re: Abandoned Tudor Homes
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
It looks like it's straight out of a movie set, I love it

It's hard to find places with such lush greenery in my area, it's more dry grass and bushland so that just makes this even cooler to me
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