Columbia, SC or Gainesville, GA
Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This hospital in rural mid-east Georgia was built in 1968 and abandoned in the first half of 2001 due to excessive debt (at one point they were over $1 million in debt), mismanagement, lack of insurance, and cuts to Medicaid. All of the equipment, medication, and patient records are still in the building after 20 years.

I visited in December 2021 and took most of these pictures with a Canon Rebel T6 DSLR.

The only picture I took of the outside of the building. All of the windows were boarded up except for one on the side of the building facing the woods.

The window I entered through. This was one of the only parts of the building that I didn't have to use my flashlight in.

Hallway picture using flash. Some halls had spray painted arrows that I appreciated since the building was a maze and every hallway looked identical.

Desk with old computer and fax machine. Someone had fun dumping iodine everywhere.

Hallway with mattresses and mold.

This room was disgusting. The ceiling tiles had all fallen and it was pouring rain so the floor was very soggy. Water dripped from the ceiling constantly. However, the rain provided good noise cover and probably made it harder to see our flashlights through cracks in the boarded up windows.

Operating room.

Lots of medication left behind. I also found twenty year old blood and urine samples. It smelled pretty bad even through my mask.

nanakwaks, on Flickr
There was a room full of x-rays. This was one of the coolest.

Overall, really cool place to visit. I have more pictures that I can upload to flickr if anyone is interested :^)

Atlanta, Georgia
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Damn this place has changed. Haven't been back in about four years I guess.
Oxford, UK
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by dammband
Damn this place has changed. Haven't been back in about four years I guess.

Was gonna say it's changed a lot in the four years since I went. They really went nuts with the boarding considering how light it used to be in there.
Atlanta, Georgia
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by mookster

Was gonna say it's changed a lot in the four years since I went. They really went nuts with the boarding considering how light it used to be in there.

I think it was boarded up well when I was there.
savannah, GA
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Thank you for noting that its just iodine on the keyboard. I did a double take before I saw your comment. Lol.
Columbia, SC or Gainesville, GA
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Ducit lumine
Thank you for noting that its just iodine on the keyboard. I did a double take before I saw your comment. Lol.

in one of the rooms, someone had poured iodine over a bed with some nitrile gloves and it looked spooky at first glance. Iodine looks really different than dried blood though lol
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Awesome photos! I've been meaning to explore that location for a few months. A couple friends of mine were able to, but I wasn't able to join them.
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Those operating rooms look so damn cool. Thanks for sharing.
Columbia, SC or Gainesville, GA
Re: Hospital in Georgia
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Unfounded
Awesome photos! I've been meaning to explore that location for a few months. A couple friends of mine were able to, but I wasn't able to join them.

thank you! it was a cool location and i hope you get to go! how was your friends' experience? i felt so sus parking and walking so i walked through the woods
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