Not all who wander are lost.
NDG Church impromptu exploration
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
We bumped into some paranormal investigators (which is funny to us) but the place is really beautiful and has amazing light inside - I highly recommend checking it out!

Not all who wander are lost.
NDG Church impromptu exploration
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
We bumped into some paranormal investigators (which is funny to us) but the place is really beautiful and has amazing light inside - I highly recommend checking it out!

[last edit 6/5/2022 2:13 AM by Elleir - edited 3 times]
Not all who wander are lost.
Re: NDG Church impromptu exploration
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Voyons, je pensais avoir juste modifié ce thread-ci mais ça en a créé deux à la place ? Si les mods peuvent fermer celui-ci, désolée pour le trouble !
Re: NDG Church impromptu exploration
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
On dirait qu'elle es momifié la Chauve-souris.
On an island, in a river
Fetish? What fetish?
Re: NDG Church impromptu exploration
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I merged the two threads together. Let me know if you want this thread made private.
This thread is currently Public. Anyone, including search engines, may see it.