New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Hi guys,
I've introduced myself here before and I'm trying to get more involved in the community. I've managed to post a few pictures but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to compress the files to make them small enough. I just don't really have any computer knowledge. I can get some of them to work but others I just can't shrink enough.
Anyway, I'm trying to find some people with a common interest to explore with. I've been to several (maybe a dozen) places and I'm looking for company, as well as some new spots to hit. I realize I need to become a full member in order to gain some trust. I'm working on it. All that said, if anyone can offer some guidance I'd appreciate it.
448185.jpg (82 kb, 720x540)
click to view

448186.jpg (58 kb, 720x540)
click to view

Boonies, NC
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Try some free image hosting site, like Flickr, and post your pics there and then link/embed them here. Then you have have nice resolution images that show up right in your post.
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Ok, thanks. I think I used something called tinypng and it would shrink them, but not always small enough. I’ll see what I can do with Flickr, thanks
Long Island, New York
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Welcome! Like oysterhead said, Flickr is great. Up to 1000 images for free, any size you want.
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
So, just checking. Are you saying to upload the pictures to Flickr, then just post a link to Flickr here? Because it’s not letting me resize them.

To be honest, my main goal here is to reach full membership because I need people to explore with. The one guy I was going with can’t do it anymore, and going alone is dicey.
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Timtim
So, just checking. Are you saying to upload the pictures to Flickr, then just post a link to Flickr here?

Nah, upload the pics to Flickr. Then over on the right side of an image, click the sideways arrow, then go over to BBcode and select a size. I usually use Medium (800 x 533). Then come back here and paste in the code, and your image will show up in your thread.

That's what I did here with one of my shots:

Church by Punchy, on Flickr
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
I can’t seem to do it, maybe because I’m on my iPhone at the moment. I’ll try again from a desktop. Thanks for your help
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
nice pictures
Re: New member in Maryland
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Welcome. I'm from Maryland to
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