Viet Nam
Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
This ship was a restaurant called the Phoenix. It perished in a fire c. 2005. It did not rise again. Went here with Steed et al 90 years ago. Site was demolished 2017-2018. I found only one article that actually had any info about the place. Full story:


Phoenix Restaurant Ship Exterior Front [37261] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Ship Restaurant [37240] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Ship [37263] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Ship Interior [37314] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Ship Exterior Rear[37545] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Ship Glasses [37323] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Ship [37365] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Found Korean Stencil [37383] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Menu [37387] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Burnt Interior [37427] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Piano Boot [37503] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr


Phoenix Restaurant Ship Teddy Bear [37535] by Yoel Taomas, on Flickr
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
That was a pretty good time, I think only my second of two quality visits to the Phoenix.

Do you remember there being a "skatepark" on the bottom level?
Viet Nam
Re: Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by Steed
That was a pretty good time, I think only my second of two quality visits to the Phoenix.

Do you remember there being a "skatepark" on the bottom level?

Wow, I do not recall that at all. Do you?
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by YoelT

Wow, I do not recall that at all. Do you?

I wouldn't have photographed it, but I think I remember seeing a ramp. We also found skater graffiti.

EDIT: Oh wait, I did go back the next year for a third trip.

[last edit 9/2/2021 5:39 AM by Steed - edited 1 times]
Viet Nam
Re: Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
What is that green stuff? Is that actually concrete?
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Race Traitor
Re: Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by YoelT
What is that green stuff? Is that actually concrete?

I guess.
On an island, in a river
Fetish? What fetish?
Re: Hold your tongue and say "I was born on a pirate ship"
Posted on Forum: UER Forum
Posted by YoelT
Went here with Steed et al 90 years ago.

You guys have been at this UE thing awhile.
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